May 23, 2020

Giving Thanks on Memorial Day

Family members serving in the military influenced us. May not be your parents, may be other generations like grand parents or great uncles. Their attitudes influence family members and get passed down to children for generations to come.

Service men and women are taught to deal with adversity. No plan survives first encounters with the enemy. We learn from what did not go well and failures. New plans, processes or strategies evolve, and then are tried quickly. Successes and reasoning are taught next generations. Resilience along with laughter to survive troubles.

Don’t underestimate the sacrifices and learning at home. Mothers and grandparents often worked and raised successful children during trying years. Their lessons permeate our culture. My great uncles and uncles who served taught my dad who shared their life lessons with us.

Their lessons are why we will survive the pandemic, social distancing, job losses, grief and suffering. Generations before us sacrificed to thrive. We will sacrifice.

This year first responders and medical professionals share the stage with our military. We have lost many good people and colleagues in our pandemic despite best efforts. Keep all people who serve in your prayers.

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