Showing posts with label Greet People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greet People. Show all posts

June 7, 2020

“If You Want Peace, Work For Justice”

- Pope Paul VI, 1972

People of color are treated differently. Women are treated differently than men. Young people are treated differently. Old people are treated differently. Immigrants are treated differently. Native Americans are treated differently. Tall people are treated differently. Short people are treated differently. Blue collar workers are treated differently. Service workers are treated differently. Poor people are treated differently. Homeless people are treated differently. Religious people are treated differently. Don’t start me on LGBTQ community treatment.

If you ever fell into one of these categories, you have experienced people judging you without knowing you. I have.

In mid-30’s dropping my van off after hours for service in morning. Sat in my truck filling out the form, and putting in spare key. Dropped it in slot and checked inside my truck because thought was forgetting something. Then I looked at the price sticker on a new Jeep Cherokee across street. Starting walking mile home. All the sudden stopped and surrounded by 4 policemen.

There had been break-ins on cars and they were staking the dealer area out. Being tall, thin and with a baby face looked early 20s. Explained dropping van for service and first question was “did I touch any car besides my own?” No. Still a young policeman said I looked like a description of a suspect. The older officer said no shutting that down quick. My response was “There can’t be too many 6’3” redheads on your list.” However I realized to police everyone looks like a potential criminal. That is why not having committed anything resembling a crime, got stopped for being young.

Everyone has equal rights. Everyone deserves to be heard and acknowledged. We need to improve our nation’s culture.

Things we can do:
1. Greet and Welcome people who are different than you. Everyone has to become part of our community. Especially if their political views, age or appearance are different than yours.

2. De-escalation Training works. Great results have been seen in Elementary, Middle and High Schools. Works well for consumer businesses like Starbucks.  Works for police handling clients with mental illness.

3. Retire the War on Drugs. Using drugs should become legal. Many states have legalized marijuana with no increases in crime. Instead they gained tax revenue. Our focus should be treatment and recovery. People of all ages are dying of addiction.

4. Misdemeanors need to expire automatically after a period of time. People suffer for life if they have ever been convicted of a crime. Can’t find work nor housing. Youthful mistakes should not haunt people during their 40 year careers. Limit misdemeanor records to about 4-8 years unless they commit more. 3 strike rules should be for felony convictions only. Long jail sentences for small crimes are not appropriate nor constitutional.

5. Eliminate ‘No Knock’ Warrants for non-violent crimes like drug possession. There have been so many disasters where police have entered the wrong house, or raided innocent people on an informant’s say so with no other proof. Constitutionally this should be reserved for violent or terrorist organizations. Even then regular warrants put police at less risk apprehending people outside rather than invading homes.

6. Police should be trained to be Guardians of community. Their job is not to arrest people, but to maintain peace by de-escalating conflicts and protecting people. SWAT teams and tactics have to be limited and only rolled out for active shooters.

Our job is to write local, state and national government officials to change laws and training. Culture change is hard and takes years.  

Then love people. Only love will conquer hate.

May 4, 2019

Nobody Fits, Everyone Belongs

We have to stop blaming smart phones. Loneliness is epidemic. Depression and anxiety disorders increased by 54% and 42% between 1990 and 2013 per WHO. Drug overdoses and addictions increasing for 16 years per CDC.  Suicides are happening across all ages, sexes, and races. Middle age men 45-54 have the highest suicide rate, followed by senior men over 85. 

Personality and Social Psychology Review shows empathy in college students fell 48% between 1979 and 2009. See the numbers of youth joining violent or extremist movements.

Bowling Alone” by Robert D. Putnam (2000) shows data with affects of isolation. People no longer have traditional support from family and society. Urbanization is one factor as more people move to cities for work. Another is business people trying to out work each other to get ahead.

Our culture needs to change. It starts with us. We need to choose happiness.

Greet People and Welcome Strangers
Kids have been told not to talk to strangers. Bad advice. Everyone is a stranger until you meet them. New employees need to be introduced and guided to succeed. Does not happen overnight, but you get to know more people over time and belong.

Actively Join Groups 
Don’t just attend events. Show up early and help setup. Stay late and clean up. Find people who look lost and guide them. Volunteer to organize. Grows you personally and career wise.

Help People
Nothing gets us out of our own head and troubles. Whether helping neighbors, kids, elderly, schools, or homeless, you focus on someone else. Simple as holding doors, carrying items, weeding or shoveling snow. Red Cross, Scouting, Coaching, Job Networks, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army and more charities need volunteers. Your opportunities are unlimited.

Forgive People for Disagreeing
Opposing political groups previously expressed frustration with each other, now express fear and anger. Anger has been associated with loss of status. (World Economic Forum 2019 Global Risk Report) Family and friends are still good people if they support different candidates or ideas. Participated in events at different churches, temples and synagogues. We have more in common than differences.

Go Worship Regularly
Don’t only be spiritual at home. Go join communities of faith and attend more activities than services. Knowing you are not alone in suffering and having fears helps us through challenges. Stopped going in 20s and returned at 40. Rejoining the Catholic community has made it easier to survive my challenges in life. Biggest joys have come from rejoining.

Don’t know why or where to start, join an Alpha session. is international, interdenominational, and a place where people ask the hard questions of life. Enjoyed my Alpha and now host tables at my Catholic Parish. Do not have all life’s answers, just have people to ask my questions. (BTW churches are not buildings, but communities)

The benefits changing our culture and welcoming people are productivity, lower stress, less addition, fewer suicides, and less violent crimes. No downsides to living a better life.

“Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilisation.” ―Mahatma Gandhi

The Global Risks Report 2019

Decline in Human Empathy Creates Global Risks in the 'Age of Anger'

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...