"Be at war with your vices; at peace with your neighbors, and
let every New Year find you a better man." - Benjamin Franklin
Everyone would like to improve. Why else do we make New
Years resolutions? We want to make more money, get promoted, lose weight or find the love of our life.
Instead of making very general resolutions that will fail in
the first weeks, choose what you will succeed at. That is right, you are going
to succeed.
How do I know this works? Have done it. Who else do you know
planned to lose 10 pounds, and lost 16? Successfully lost weight and kept it
off for years.
Lets Get Started
Start writing a list of desires. Where do you want your life to be better? Get paper now.
Why do you want to improve this part of your life? Write
down all the reasons.
What values & beliefs of yours support these ideas/resolutions?
Write them down.
What values & beliefs hold you back? If you think wealth
makes you an evil and mean, you will sabotage your efforts. Write down the
values/beliefs why you can’t do it. Are they true? I really doubt it. There
will be difficulties, but nothing you can’t work around or overcome. Your
talent and hard work will be rewarded.
Now comes the hard part. Which resolution is no. 1? You need to put them in order. Which resolution is most important to your
values and actions?
Then you pick. Preferably choose only 1 resolution, but no
more than 3. May be one major and a minor one? You choose which goals to
succeed at.
Now start planning how you will succeed at your first resolution.
What steps are necessary for you to consider your experience a success? What
can you start today? Focus on what you control.
Repeat if you are working on a second resolution.
Why It Works
Focusing on a few goals, and creating actions you follow get
faster results. The more you value a goal, the harder you will work to succeed
at your resolution.
Writing it down is another reason for success. Write the
goal as if it has already happened. Write the actions as if the past and you
did them already. You mind will follow you.
The results may take longer or be less than expected. Sticking
with it gets results.
Weight loss, was it easy? No. Did I fail at times? Yes, of
course. But I stuck with it.
Was technically not fat, just at the higher end of my
healthy weight range. However was not playing volleyball 4 times a week nor
weightlifting. Sitting around let me gain weight. Just did not feel good
physically. Motivation included Dad getting Adult Onset Diabetes. Taking care
of myself could prevent that.
My plan was rather
simple. I gained weight one pound at a time. Losing it was going to be the
same. Skipped the diet and went immediately to a maintenance plan. Less carbs,
smaller portions, more exercise, and add some healthy foods. Did not give up
any foods I loved, just limited how much I ate them.
Another secret, allowed myself one cheat day per week. Still
could go for cake at a birthday, donut on Sunday, or restaurant meal. Spread
them out by dieting 6 days a week.
Results: 16 pounds lost in 18 months. You have heard the
last 10 pounds is the hardest to lose? That was my whole goal. Weight did not fall
off easy. But have maintained the gain 5 years by making a permanent change.
Second did go through unemployment and find a new job while losing weight. Succeeding at one goal supported working towards another goal.
Follow Thru
Lots of people think they have to be perfect to accomplish
anything. Not true. Every plan will have setbacks and make adjustments. Your
plan must allow for changes, celebrations and vacations.
People think focusing on one or few changes, the other goals
will not happen. Truth is by focusing you complete goals faster. Success
motivates you to start the other goals expecting to succeed.
Pick your most valuable goal, and write down your plan. Then
adapt and adjust your plan until you succeed.
Following this plan myself. Will let you know how I make
out. Let me know how your plan worked for you.
A very happy New Year to you, your friends and family.