Showing posts with label true wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label true wealth. Show all posts

June 13, 2015

How to Build Wealth

Been studying business, successful people and failures for years. It is an interesting and enlightening hobby. Frankly have learned a lot that schools never teach you. A large part of my life is unlearning what I was taught. Let me share one insight today.

First step if you really want to be wealthy. READ. A lot.

Bill Gates of Microsoft and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has put out a couple list of books to read. Bill curated these list for us. He may have read 50 to 200 books this year to recommend 5 - 10 books for us.

Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway have created fortunes by buying and investing in well-run businesses. It is not as easy as it looks.

So how do Warren and Charlie spend their days? They read about 5 - 6 hours per day at the office. Charlie’s children joke he is a book with legs. Warren says it is good they work in different states because they would be talking all day about what they read.

Elon Musk has started several successful businesses Pay Pal, Tesla, SpaceX among others. He is the real life example for the Tony Stark character in the movie Iron Man. “You don’t know what you don’t know. You realize there are all these things out there.” Musk says.

The average Fortune 500 CEO reads about 50 books a year. Rick Warren often reads one book a day. There is usually a reason successful people have a common habits.

“The basic law of wealth creation: principle of asymmetric knowledge – that is, any situation when somebody in a market knows something that nobody else in the market knows, and then has the courage to act on that knowledge.”
- Dr. Jules Goddard

If you want to create wealth, learn by reading. Then take action.

November 28, 2013

Thankfulness and True Wealth

Reflective mood being Thanksgiving and a year older today.  Just want to share a thought.

The world struggles because the focus is wrong. The president, congress and the Federal Reserve have it wrong. They think wealth is created by adding liquidity to the economy.  QE has not made the economy grow or most people wealthier.

True wealth is created by helping other people. Washing machines improved people’s lives and freed up time to spend with family. Airplanes let us visit each other all over the world. Microwaves heat our food.

Bank’s being able to loan more debt? How has that improved the world? Finance is not as important as building something, no matter how small.

True wealth to most people is being able to share time with family and friends on a holiday. Charity, volunteering and doing good are the best examples of sharing real wealth.

So what am I thankful for today?

Being able to serve coffee and Danishes at church this morning. May even wash some dishes.

Friends and family who are fighting and beating cancer. Their struggles inspire and show the goodness of people/strangers helping them.

Being able to read inspiring thoughts from other writers encouraging us to be a little bit better every day. Not only the famous like Reverend’s Schuler & Olsteen, but friends like Reverend’s Steve Cuff and James Richards teaching faith.

The few words of peace, love and understanding I am able to share. Example my chapter redefining success not as money earned, bur raising good kids as more important. The words may be read by only a few people, but they will reach someone who needs them.

All the engineers I have been able to teach this year how to be better engineers. Always learn something when I teach.

It is not the gifts or possessions that make me thankful today. It is the life I get to share. Please share some of your blessing today and enjoy today. Lets build real wealth.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...