Showing posts with label trials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trials. Show all posts

July 18, 2020

Change Comes in a Minute

No one as been unaffected by 2020 and all the stresses of living through a pandemic. Life always has trials, miseries and afflictions for everyone. You may have experienced job reassignment, layoff, business closing, being fired, an accident, sudden illness, chronic conditions, less mobility, quarantine, divorce, or the inevitable deaths of loved ones.

So what do we do when change is thrust upon us?

First mourn your loss. Your old life is missing. You miss the people you were with. Routine is gone. Loss of income increases stress. What you enjoyed before for before needs to be acknowledged.

Second don’t rush decisions. If you doubt that wisdom, ask people about their “bounce back” relationships and hear their horror stories. Take some time to heal and to talk to people. The natural instinct is to withdraw from society, but you can overcome that. You will be surprised who listens and provides good advice what to do. You are not the only one have this happen to you. Find others who have been there.

Think what you really desire and need in your future. Applying for random jobs can lead to scams and disasters. Focused searches are much more productive. If you need to take a taxi job like security or delivery it is okay as long as you work towards your future. It won’t come right away, but it is worth it.

Our tendency is to project the future based on today. That rarely resembles life a few years from now. Allow growth and God to work on you for your better future.

What can you do with all this pain? Simple you become the person helping the next people who experience what you have.

“However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at.” - Stephen Hawking, Physicist

Note ~5 foot diameter tree trunk in the picture was the same ~70 foot tall tree wrote about / pictured in April “Pandemic Does Not Mean Panic” blog post. The property it was on is being developed for housing, so the tree was cut down and removed in one shift by lumberjacks. The profit of selling the lumber contributes to building needed new housing. Expected to see that tree out my window for years, but change happened.

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