Recently read about a young professional not being able to
get a word in edgewise in a meeting. It is uncomfortable not being heard, but
their experience is not unique. With 38 years’ experience, and being (formerly) shy introvert in an extroverted world have suggestions to be heard:
- Ask questions first. Then when you have the floor, make a point. Actually got compliments for participation during different meetings where I only asked one question.
- Being able to project your voice is an asset. Look into Toastmasters to be able to present to a room. I start talking to the person furthest away to get my volume right.
- I had a baby face (could pass for high school till almost 30) and had to dress one level up to be taken seriously. Casual Fridays are still a weakness.
- Attitude makes a difference. EXPECT to be heard and taken seriously. Sit at the table and take up space in the meeting room. Make small talk with people before and after the meetings.
Try and use whichever tips works for you. It is only a
matter of time before you will be a full team member.