Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts

November 26, 2020

Happy Pandemic Thanksgiving

 2020 has been an odd year to have gratitude. Bittersweet is a good description. There has been a lot of bad news, Covid-19, industries cratered, layoffs, no vacations, laptop died, and more. If you are worn out by restrictions, you are not alone.

If you lost family, friends or coworkers you miss them. Grieving and thankfulness tough combination. It’s always okay to grieve.

However you have decided to celebrate, enjoy yourself. Take precautions. Call family and friends, talk about old times, make small talk, tell dad jokes, and have good food. Today is not the day to solve world problems. Be present and this is what you will be grateful for in the future.

Also thankful 2021 is coming :) 

November 27, 2019

Safe Travels and Happy Thanksgiving

Taking a vacation day to stay out of Seattle’s Wednesday afternoon traffic horror show. Starting my holiday weekend early. 

I am grateful for my wonderful family, fellow volunteers, talented co-workers, and all my friends who keep me engaged and interested in our world. Thank you all.

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving with family and loved ones. Enjoy good meals, conversation, and remembering old friends who can’t be with us. Then safe trips home.

"Always direct your thoughts to those truths that will give you confidence, hope, joy, love, thanksgiving, and turn away your mind from those that inspire you with fear, sadness, depression." - Bertrand Wilbertforce

November 24, 2019

Thanksgiving and Holidays

Relax. Everyone has made an effort to be there. The hosts have really worked hard to welcome you and everyone. It is stressful. Smile and greet everyone.

People are there you don’t know. You are likely nervous, so are they. Welcome everybody assuming best intentions.

No one has changed since last time. Everyone still has their annoying habits. Including you. But we have all learned from living one more year.

Politics are a minefield. Nobody has the same views on everything. Expect them to support other candidates or positions. You are not there to convert them to your views. Besides no one has all the right answers.

We gather to celebrate. Those who made it this year, those who can’t come, and remembering those no longer with us. Sharing success and failures, children, and another year of life. 

Success formula for gatherings - Relax, Tolerate, Celebrate and Enjoy

November 22, 2018

The American Holiday

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American Holiday.  We celebrate with family, friends, work off, stores closed and too much food. No rushed meal, long conversations, building relationships, memories, and see how the young have grown. Listening and assuming everyone has good intent.

To some this appears wasteful. How do you spend so much time & money on a meal? But gratitude is the core of America’s success. 

We all know failure. There is always bad news, terrible stock markets, natural disasters, politics, disease and death. Despite the happy story of Indians and Pilgrims, there was much warfare and Indians were decimated by European diseases. 

Celebrating another year with loved ones, letting the problems go, and being thankful build our success. Learn a lesson and keep trying. America celebrates both failure and success. And after both we try again.

Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving

November 23, 2017

Everyday Gratitude

Thanksgiving is not the only day we should be grateful.
Every day we have family, friends, co-workers and businesses who serve us. Yes they can annoy, irritate and frustrate us. But they care for us.
Priests, Ministers, and people guide us toward spirituality and faith.
Abundant food, not subsistence farming. The biggest problem is being overweight, not starvation.
Modern miracles of medicine cure illnesses, cancers, and diseases that shortened the lives in the past.
Physical Therapists and Chiropractors help our bodies recover.
Transportation where products from all over the world are available, and we can go anywhere.
Volunteers serve charities all over the world giving their time and unpaid efforts.
Think every morning what are you grateful?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

November 24, 2016


Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday and only a small part is the eating. What it is we count blessings and good people in our lives. Think about what went right and who supported you. Keep looking for it and you will find more. Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and more.

Even after the year’s disasters, you can see all those who volunteer and give to help others. The US is often criticized for not doing enough, but the American people are the ones that give the most.

Gratitude is the way to stay happy despite traffic, food that doesn’t turn out, people who voted differently than you, and diets ruined for a day. Actually it puts you closer to your faith.

Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy your day.

PS - really enjoy the eating and nap in front of the football game too J

November 28, 2015

And I am Suppose to be Afraid of Refugees?

Ten men with weapons have attacked Paris. They killed and wounded a few hundred people. This is a new development for Dasche, but not unlike other terrorist attacks throughout the world over the last 3 decades. Beirut, Israel, Spain, Rome, Japan, Atlanta, Germany, Oklahoma City, New York, London, Mumbai, Russia, China, Paris, Lebanon and Mali off the top of my head. Small groups can attack unarmed civilians with awful results. They are no match for a well trained military. That is why they attack the innocent.

We live in a country of 300 million citizens, police in every city, an army, a coast guard, a navy, marines, special forces and an air force. And I am suppose to be afraid of refugees running from war?

No, my conservative values tell me to welcome others because they bring more growth and joy to our lives. New foods, new ideas, new styles and energy to work hard starting new businesses. People like Steve Jobs are the children of immigrants. My grandparents and great grandparents came from somewhere else. So did your relatives. All good people from are from everywhere.

My work, my church and my home look like the UN. I like it. New refugees? They are welcome in my neighborhood, my street and my church.

Personal note: The birthday boy is enjoying a long weekend rest from his stressful job he thankfully has. Too many friends and family looking for work.
Wishing everyone a great holiday if you are in the US. We can't be grateful enough to remember how good our life is. Praise God. 
Take time to pray for those who are suffering in this world, and think what action you can take to help.

November 28, 2013

Thankfulness and True Wealth

Reflective mood being Thanksgiving and a year older today.  Just want to share a thought.

The world struggles because the focus is wrong. The president, congress and the Federal Reserve have it wrong. They think wealth is created by adding liquidity to the economy.  QE has not made the economy grow or most people wealthier.

True wealth is created by helping other people. Washing machines improved people’s lives and freed up time to spend with family. Airplanes let us visit each other all over the world. Microwaves heat our food.

Bank’s being able to loan more debt? How has that improved the world? Finance is not as important as building something, no matter how small.

True wealth to most people is being able to share time with family and friends on a holiday. Charity, volunteering and doing good are the best examples of sharing real wealth.

So what am I thankful for today?

Being able to serve coffee and Danishes at church this morning. May even wash some dishes.

Friends and family who are fighting and beating cancer. Their struggles inspire and show the goodness of people/strangers helping them.

Being able to read inspiring thoughts from other writers encouraging us to be a little bit better every day. Not only the famous like Reverend’s Schuler & Olsteen, but friends like Reverend’s Steve Cuff and James Richards teaching faith.

The few words of peace, love and understanding I am able to share. Example my chapter redefining success not as money earned, bur raising good kids as more important. The words may be read by only a few people, but they will reach someone who needs them.

All the engineers I have been able to teach this year how to be better engineers. Always learn something when I teach.

It is not the gifts or possessions that make me thankful today. It is the life I get to share. Please share some of your blessing today and enjoy today. Lets build real wealth.

September 11, 2009

9/11 showed us who we can be

A very good article about the grace and warmth of people after a disaster. We are much more caring and helpful than people believe. This is from the LA Times.,0,5396972.story

Actually went to dig up the original article, and think the LA Times article was more focused (i.e. better). Here it is
Rebecca Solnit, 9/11's Living Monuments

Sorry the links are not working. Copy and paste into your browser. You may have to search to find the title article.

Know we are meant to be better than the self center children we started out to be. Amazing how much better we can be.
God bless,

November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Have been researching what to do about when business enters the recession cycle. Taking a longer than anticipated to consolidate the research into a useful article for you.

Today’s blog is about being grateful. There is so much we have to be grateful for. The country we live in, the people in our lives, and our businesses.

Be grateful for the customers and clients you already have. Be grateful for the work you do, the skills you have learned, and the benefits of working. You work with good people, benefit society, get self esteem from your business, get new challenges to stretch yourself, and your income pays for your family and life.

We waste a lot of our life on the annoyances. We focus on this has to be done, traffic was bad, this machine is broken, we have to meet on this product, the quality is bad, or other daily problems. Have you ever noticed 90 percent of business gets done without any supervision or special effort? Be grateful!

Our lives are getting better by new services and better products. Cars today are much better and safer than just 20 years ago and they continually improve. Homes use less energy. The internet is a group of great tools. Cell phones, VOIP, instant messages and email give us more freedom to travel and stay in touch. Clothes and furniture cost less. Be grateful for how much easier it is.

So enjoy your weekend, and think how much we have to be grateful for.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...