Showing posts with label real estate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label real estate. Show all posts

May 2, 2020

Shape of Economic Recovery on Your Finances

After Covid-19 is under control, the economy will start growing again. Businesses will figure out how to grow, and new businesses will open. How fast this happens affects your careers, pensions, investments and retirement

Economists describe V, U, J and W recoveries. Investors look for forward earnings to price investments like bonds, stocks, mergers, businesses and real estate.

‘V’ recovery assumes after a sharp drop, the market will quickly return to normal. This was the early market opinion, and you can see the quick rally that occurred.

‘U’ recovery assumes a longer period down, followed by fast growth. This assumption lowers the value of investments because of discounted future earning valuations.

‘J’ recovery (or Nike Swoosh) assumes after the drop, the recovery will be slow steady growth. The post 2008 recovery is an example where economic growth was only ~2% for several years. 

‘W’ recovery is the scariest when the market rallies on hope after a steep drop, then bad news causes more steep market drops. The Great Depression is an example. Eventually economies return to growing, but this assumes bear market rallies follow by more bear market drops.

No one knows exactly how the economy will behave, and reading the news is confusing and misleading. Best can do is give opinions based on observations and research. As always “your mileage may vary”. Not an expert.

After the depth of this drop on the global economy, we are starting from a Much Smaller Global Economy. Most small and medium sized businesses are able to handle short periods of lower earnings, but not long earning breaks earning nothing. A good number of businesses will not reopen. Not good for business spending.

1 of 6 workers are now unemployed. They are not buying anything but necessary goods and services. When these businesses return they won’t need all their previous employees with less sales. Eventually most will find jobs, but not necessarily at the same salary. Drops of 10-30% are possible after extended periods of unemployment. Does not help consumer spending.

Business recovery will be different by industry. Hair stylists will lose income this year because we only need one haircut to recover. Travel like hotels, cruise ships and airlines are going to be low and slow for 2-5 years. Small luxuries like Starbucks, meals ordered in or eating restaurants will recover much faster. Delivery services will have continued growth. Oil and energy will start growing from a lower user base. Durable goods will be smaller for a longer period.

Real Estate is going to vary by market: Strong demand for low income housing and apartments. Condos and housing will have lower prices with less qualified buyers. Commercial real estate will have more retail vacancies and lower office space demand with the growth of work at home.

What to Do Now? Decided at my age to lower my exposure to stocks from 40% to 30% in my 401K and hold more money market (cash). Also reduced International Bonds 10% moving to Domestic Bonds to lower my risk. Did not move completely out of the market, but made slight adjustments until think stocks are a good investment again. Investing is easier when you have a long term strategy.

Pensions May be Cut due to low returns. Look at your spending and see what can be reduced or deferred until you know how this will affect you. Do you have assets you can sell you don’t need? 

If your job is secure, the next year may be a good time to purchase a car or home. Major purchases are the most important decisions for your wealth.

I hope not to be laid off, but may have to change industries again. Time to update my LinkedIn profile and create a resume in case. Preparation will help if the time comes.

March 13, 2020

Recession or Bear Market?

Thursday the stock market was down ~25% from peak. Oil fell to $31 per barrel. Even Gold fell this week to $1,528 per ounce. Then Friday came and the stock markets went up ~5% and Oil recovered to $33. Covid-19 is everywhere and this is a Bear market.

Between the sensational news, stores out of toilet paper, poor press conferences, and canceled schools, colleges, events, church services and sports - would conclude this is a Panic. Stock markets are really driven by investor psychology and groupthink. Friday’s recovery shows not all is predictable.

However being this is driving by a new disease which is stopped international trade and travel. No one knows how long this will go, and vaccines are months away. Once the market has picked a direction, it tends to continue longer then we expect it will. Bear markets often lose 20-40% or more. Suspect the market will overshoot as it often does.

So what do we do now? Depends on your situation. 

If you are over 5 years from retirement, you have the option to do nothing and keep contributing to 401K. Second choice would be to move 10%, 25% or 33% from stocks to cash or bonds, and keep contributing. The worse choice would be to move 100%, and then see the stock market recover.

If you are in or very near retirement, make sure you have liquid funds for the next 3 years, and keep the rest invested to recover what we lost.

Problem is bonds are returning a very low interest rate, and rates are so low not to fall much further raising the value of your bonds. Cash earns very little return. Where can you invest

Dividend stocks, real estate and commodities like Oil and Gold are used to diversify portfolios to improve returns. Real estate has been high priced for a while. Gold and Oil may return to normal after the Covid-19 subsides. Saudi Arabia’s move to grab market share will not keep the price of oil down over 3 years. Where will oil be in 10 years?

Professional investors are searching now for good profitable companies that stocks prices fell lower than the company will be worth. Do you think all cruise lines, airlines and hotels will stay down for long after the pandemic is over? Where will the world be in 5 years? Expect the world economies to be growing again.

Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger are sitting on a pile of money, and have not been happy with the price of businesses. They and their investment managers are looking at businesses they would like to acquire or buy stock at their new lower prices. Warren and Charlie look for a good price on wonderful business and take advantage of opportunities when others are fearful. Suspect they will lend money at a profitable rate to companies that need it.

Consider working an additional year or two before retirement. If like me your business is adversely affected, you may want to improve your skills in case you need new opportunities.

“This Too Shall Pass” had gotten me through many of these situations over the years. Stay calm and healthy please.

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