December 31, 2018

Worthwhile Resolutions

Most resolutions fail within weeks or even the same day. Why? They are not important enough for us to put in the effort nor suffer to make them happen. They are maybe a good idea we are not motivated to do.

How many resolutions are less weight, more money or win lotto? Decided years ago my health in retirement was worth making the effort to improve. Made permanent small efforts to eat smaller quantities, more good foods, exercise regularly and take the stairs. Result at 62: ideal weight range, good blood pressure, rehabbed rotator cuff & knees, and still playing volleyball.

Instead of the big audacious goal, pick small steps towards greatness. Here are incremental ideas you may be successful at:

Stop Doing Unnecessary Work
Certain tasks or reports are created for a temporary reason, and continue forever. Who is your customer for these? Ask them if they still need it? Alternative is to do the report, but then don’t send it out? See who asks for it?

My most successful projects last year was automating a manual task. Our programmer was able to get the information pulled from several sources, then inform the person responsible directly. Wrote up instructions, provided samples, and provide support. Freed up 80% of my time for new assignment.

Do Less, Accomplish More
Pick on one, two or three priorities and work one of them every day. Ask your boss to help you order your priorities, then even a couple hours will get plans started, necessary meetings scheduled, and a few actions completed. At the end of each project, start another priority.

Waste Less Time of Your Boss, Coworkers and Customers
Do you need to delegate, automate, tor stop asking questions. Build checklist for each task, and eliminate questions requiring extra calls or email. They will be more happy to receive your follow up reporting the task is complete. People love working with people who respect their time.

Less Distractions
What habits have you fallen into that could go? Putting down your phone in meetings? Try turning off notifications except for key programs. How about you read text between projects? Read email 3 times a day instead of every chance? Flow at work is key to productivity success.

Review Your Monthly Spending 
Save more by eliminating expenses. Pull up your credit cards, automatic payments, and checking/debit accounts. Where is the money going? Do you use it or is it a nice to have. ESPN for me is a use, HBO was a nice to have rarely used. HBO is no longer on my bill.

Review Your Career
Careers and promotions are built more on skills than degrees. Even if you get a degree, you still need applicable skills to use on the way.  What projects or tasks really interest you? What do you do that does not seem like work?

Second what we are great at often sneaks up on us. It may be easy for you, but no one else seems to be able to do it.  Keep looking for your gifts and write them down.

Small steps lead to large improvements in effectiveness, productivity, and success. Don’t go for the big goal without small actions steps. 
Happy New Year!

December 22, 2018

Holidays Family Friends and No Stress

No gathering is perfect. No meal is without dishes that don’t look as good. Someone makes an old favorite, and it doesn’t taste the same. Maybe a new host’s home. Just not the same as before.

Their annoying habits are still present. Seems everyone has a role. (I am the ‘Fun’ uncle.) The young will bring a nervous boyfriend/girlfriend who needs to be welcomed and judged. The not so healthy will surprise us how frail life has become.

Someone is more extreme in their politics, or make a comment either way about the President, Congress or Politics. Someone will have a long boring story about their health or too many details about the procedure.  Little ones have to learn manners. Interruptions are common. Drink or dishes will spill. The tablecloth needs to be washed.

Just normal life. Let the small things go. And they are all small things. 

Later you will remember these people and gatherings fondly. What ever happened to …? Remember the aunt’s pies? How about the home baked breads. When was young they were intimidating. “Its not Wonder bread.” By my teenage years looked forward to their wonderful baking. 

Gatherings don’t have to be stressful. No group thinks the same or looks at the same subject the same way. If you all agreed, some of you are unnecessary. No need to convince or correct anyone. Let them have their say and be heard. Then they may listen to you or others.

Expecting perfection is the enemy of a good time. Main cause of stress. 

Loving the people in the room is your way to joy. “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”

“Nothing either good nor bad but thinking makes it so.” - Shakespeare

December 8, 2018

Crazy to Work 40 Hours?

Jason Fried chooses to do less. No goals. He'll get back to you whenever. He doesn't work more than 40 hours a week, and doesn't want his employees to either.

Before you think Jason Fried needs to lose his hard worker card, Jason is CEO and co-founder of Basecamp (former 37 Signals) which has been profitable for 20 years. He is an accomplished leader looking out for his people, their time and productivity.

Jason points out how much time is wasted. Weekly or daily status meeting where hours are burned. Sleep, rest and hours of deep thinking are much more productive for doing.

Small entrepreneurs focus on what needs to be done. Not setting up unnecessary tasks and meetings.

Think about what happens in a crisis. Every non-essential task is put aside as we focus on taking care of the customer. Meetings are cancelled, reporting is delayed, and tasks are rescheduled to free up time.

What if we scheduled our time to focus on priorities and customers? Which meetings would you drop? What tasks can be automated? Which reports can be cancelled? How productive would you be?

“Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.” - Jean de La Bruysre

December 1, 2018

Wealth Basics: Avoid Scams and a Recommendation

Last week talked about creating more income by new job or working a part time work aka side hustle. First have to warn you about falling for scams. When you start looking for advice there are so many scams that come up. 

Warned about For Profit Colleges pedaling useless degrees after sticking you with college loans that never go away.

Work from Home” is its own category there are so many. Stuffing envelopes has evolved into clicking websites. Secret shoppers is another where you front your money may never be reimbursed.

Another category is paying for information to get Government or US Postal Service jobs that pay $100,000 or more. Mail carriers actually earn between $40-$60,000. These scams target jobs that require testing.

Collecting money for a business is a scam. They is no real reason a legitimate business cannot collect money in their own account no matter what. Anyone wanting to deposit money in your account is giving you a fake check that you will have to replace from your savings at the bank. 

When anyone sends you too much money and asks for change, likely they sent a fake check. 

Anyone asking for payment in gift cards is a scam.  Seen too many out-of-state cars for sale at great prices asking for Western Union money transfers. They stole a picture of the car.

Fake websites with unbelievable prices, just want to steal your credit card and identity.

If it is too good to be true…” needs to key you someone is trying to set you up. Think of Nigerian princes, found money, or lotteries you didn’t enter you won. Scammers are not the same, but somehow when I find one they sound similar. They want you emotionally excited I won so you stop thinking.

You can often avoid fake jobs by Goggling “company name scam”. AARP Fraud Watch Network and KomoNews Consumer section are very good educating you about scams.

Work is going to take work on your part. Anything worthwhile is worth investing your time researching how to succeed. 

RecommendationDanny Margulies
Freelance to Win is his website with advice how to market your service’s how to charge more, and writing winning proposals. Danny uses Upwork, a website where employers look for free lance talent to find work. Read his free posts before you consider signing up for his classes.
The Upwork Blog also has good advice. 

November 25, 2018

Wealth Basics Earn More

Your focus should not be on money nor material goods. Family, friends and your faith should be higher priorities for a good life. Consider the English Proverb, "Health is better than wealth."

Realize spoiling someone for the holidays is not worth debt you will be paying months later. You will need the money for future purposes. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is why so many people get themselves into credit troubles. You will be loved giving affordable gifts.  Live within your means.

How do we start to create wealth? First earn more. You will have more options to save. Scott Adams (Dilbert) says we become valuable by stacking talents. He became wealthy by drawing well enough, business knowledge, and being funny enough to be a syndicated cartoonist. 

Can you ask for a raise or promotion? Are you doing excellent work? Have you taken on more responsibility? These give you options.

You may have to change companies, industries or fields to earn more. My work in aerospace rewards me more than prior work in household products and real estate. However aerospace is known for boom & bust cycles, so this is a risk I accepted.

Research, read and talk with professionals what skills do they need? What technologies or new business approaches are growing now? Which skills and talents do you already possess? Do you have a degree? What can you learn and put to use quickly? Or do you need a degree in a different specialty that few people will put in the effort? Often you already have enough to earn more.

Avoid for profit colleges. Many people have too much debt for a degree that does not pay enough. Worse many did not complete a degree and still have the debt. Before you start a degree how do you minimize the cost and borrowing? In an era of rising interest rates, pay off and avoid debt.

Most wealthy people make create their money with a business, then invest to preserve their wealth. To start a business you need to have some money of your own to invest. Then you will have to borrow or get investors. If you are employed you can save for the future opportunities you see.

Start part time to see if your idea will work. Keep a day job and try a side hustle. Often it is not until we have tried a few different projects and processes do we find success. Once the income rolls in we have options including charity.

“If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. It is wealth's greatest satisfaction.” - Author Unknown

November 22, 2018

The American Holiday

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American Holiday.  We celebrate with family, friends, work off, stores closed and too much food. No rushed meal, long conversations, building relationships, memories, and see how the young have grown. Listening and assuming everyone has good intent.

To some this appears wasteful. How do you spend so much time & money on a meal? But gratitude is the core of America’s success. 

We all know failure. There is always bad news, terrible stock markets, natural disasters, politics, disease and death. Despite the happy story of Indians and Pilgrims, there was much warfare and Indians were decimated by European diseases. 

Celebrating another year with loved ones, letting the problems go, and being thankful build our success. Learn a lesson and keep trying. America celebrates both failure and success. And after both we try again.

Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving

November 17, 2018

Things We Learned That Are Wrong

Sit Quietly and Keep Your Head Down
In school teachers talked and we were suppose to sit & listen. But that is not how children learn. They learn by doing. Students need activity to learn.

Get a Degree and Work Hard to Get Ahead
Education in was reading, memorizing and repeating data. As long as you could repeat the correct answer on a test you were done. Since my 20s have said “Secret to my success is after college was unlearning much of what I was taught.”

Wrong degree, and you will struggle with find work and raises. Hard work is a given. The people who get ahead take responsibility, action and stand out.

Theory X Management
Assumes people have little ambition, avoid work and are selfish. Most people if skilled enough, properly trained and rewarded can perform great work with little supervision. Nordstrom’s, Zappos, and many software & entrepreneurial companies prove how wrong this is.

More Data Solves Everything
“There is a sense that more data will give us greater insight [. . . b]ut the history of science tells us that is not always the case, that in fact very small observations gave us very fundamental insights about the nature of reality.” - Teppo Felin, Professor of Strategy at Oxford’s Said Business School

Small groups of dedicated people change the world. Not data.

To change something, start by saying “Yes I can.”

November 10, 2018

Your Political Views are a Minority

"Great thoughts come from the heart." - Marquis de Vaunargues

If you are in the Resistance, you are in a minority.
If you are a Trump diehard, you are in a minority.
IF you are a traditional pro-labor Democrat, you are in a minority.
If you are traditional pro-business Republican, you are in a minority.
If you are a progressive Bernie Sanders Democrat, you are in a minority.
If you are a 3rd party or Independent, you are in a minority.
No matter your religion, you are in a minority.
My views are minority.

Americans are not uniform. We came from different states or countries. Our families are different, our foods are different, and our looks are different. Don’t think there is a typical American. No surprise our opinions are different.

The wide variety of thought is one of our strengths. Not being uniform, we can a lot of ways to solve problems or make improvements. America was built on experimenting and choosing what works. Why would anyone have a monopoly on good ideas?

My hope is in the number of close races across the country. Almost all candidates got less than 60%. Some winners will not get 50%. Gerrymandering voting districts are being voted out and stopped by judicial decisions. Close elections encourage people to vote for candidate who can get work done.
There are things most of us agree on, even if we don’t know how to solve them yet:
Health care and medicines cost too much.
Social Security and Medicare need cost reductions and more funding.
More jobs and a good economy pay for our services
The nation’s infrastructure needs maintenance, replacements and improvement.
The military needs updating and replacing used systems after years of war.
The government should not be going $1 Trillion further in debt per year in a healthy economy.

Remember everyone loves their children. We have more in common than differences. Be grateful for the differences.

Thank you for voting

"We must dare to think 'unthinkable' thoughts.  We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world.  We must learn to welcome and not to fear the voices of dissent.  We must dare to think about 'unthinkable things' because when things become unthinkable, thinking stops and action becomes mindless." - James William Fulbright

November 4, 2018

The Future is Shaped Like a Hockey Stick

The hockey stick analogy is a graph of how technology grows. Growth is slowly improving over years or decades, then explodes upward.

Look at so many bad predictions: 
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." - Ken Olsen, founder Digital Equipment Corporation. 
“This administration has no intention of participating in the construction of any more Cadillac-commuter systems that have very little chance of providing adequate benefits…. As for starting new freeways, I just do not see that happening.” - Donald E. Burns, Secretary of Business and Transportation, State of California, 1975

The reasons we underestimate the future is we tend to look with a bias towards recent events. Most predictions on the economy or stock prices are based on the last few weeks or quarters. Last week the stock market was up 2%. That followed weeks of falling stock prices, but prices were up the first 3 quarters this year. No one knows what the market will do on Monday morning, despite all the businesses focused on investing money.

Truthfully did anyone see the convergence of technologies that are smart phones other than Steve Jobs? Developing apps for smart phones was not part of the original iPhone, that came later and was key to the success of smart phones.

Computers were first developed in the mid 1930’s & 1940’s. Personal computers were introduced in 1971, but it wasn’t until 1981 IBM PC started the revolution.

Composites were also developed in the mid 1930’s & 1940’s for aerospace & military applications. Although we could say mud and straw buildings 6,000 years ago were the first composites. Composites are now widely spread since the 2000’s into commercial airplanes, automotive and consumer products.

These technologies made steady improvements over decades before their usage spiked upward. This is a common hockey stick pattern.

We can see patterns that may happen. Recessions happen regularly, so there will be one sooner or later. Stock prices to earnings ratio is among the three highest in history. Over the next decade the earnings ratio will likely return to mean. Expect lower returns on stock price growth in your investments. 

So the development of technology is going to give us some ideas about the future. Battery development, lighter materials and solar panels are driving the switch to electric cars. Electric cars with a range of 200 miles are eliminating the fear of running out of juice. The per mile cost of operating an electric car is one-third the cost of gasoline vehicles. Manufacturers are predicting mid 2020’s for the switch.

Longevity improvements have grown steadily or exceeded predictions for decades. Partly because no one anticipated how quickly the world economy would develop. Brooking reports for the first time 50% of the population are middle class or higher. 

Stem cells medicines and new treatments are producing improvements. Technology has made great strides in the past decades. The likelihood of a jump in healthy life expectancy could start in the next 5 to 20 years. 

What changes will we see with a lifespan increase of 10 to 50 healthy years? People can’t afford to retire for 60 years. What societal changes will happen? Longer lifespans have already reduced birth rates. What do you think? What other changes will happen?

October 27, 2018

Confronting Reality

Called an audible on today’s post for this week’s news. Attacks on Tree of Life Synagogue, bombs mailed to prominent Democrats, a convenience store shooter first tried to enter Black First Baptist Church, and Molotov cocktails thrown at Iglesia ni Cristo Locale of Seattle, a Church of Christ. This year there were attacks against Afro-Americans, Christians, Gays, Hispanics, Indians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs (often mistaken for Muslims) and more.

Everyone knows ISIS and Al Qaeda are violent and try to influence young people to commit violence. Right Wing Extremists killed more people than ISIS over the last decade. (Thanks to Peter Singer DefenseOne). Live on west coast where Antifa promotes violence and Animal Activists burn down labs and homes. Lets not forget the bigotry against races and religions leading to violence. It is only time until people die.

Remember most people are not violent. They love their children. We need to listen to the concerns of others. We need to treat others with respect. Especially if we disagree with their views. And they need to let us disagree.

For security don’t focus on politics, race or religion. Don’t ignore women either, even though most assaults are committed by young men. ISIS and Al Qaeda use women and children as bombers. The best focus for security is people’s actions. Regardless of beliefs their actions are similar. Security is only successful if we talk about all extremists and their actions. Simple answers don’t work. Security requires effort.

Extremist and armies tend to dehumanize the enemy so they don’t feel guilty killing others. We need to acknowledge everyone. We need to talk with everyone. We need to let people know they are important. 

It is up to you. Acknowledge, talk and respect others. No matter how different they are than you.

National Security Pros, It’s Time to Talk About Right-Wing Extremism

October 20, 2018

Business Rules

Consultants and others will sell you all sorts of secrets about running a business. There are No Secrets. Here are your day to day priorities.

Business is about Relationships
People Buy your products and services, not businesses. People buy from people they like. Not always the cheapest, but someone they can depend on.

Customers First
The More Empathy for what the Customer is Experiencing, the more successful your business will be. Know how your and your competitor’s products and services are used. Where is it not easy, there are Opportunities.

Look Out for Your Team
No one can do everything themselves. Not only are coworkers valuable for implementation and delivery.  They solve problems and come up with ideas.
Small businesses need to team up with other businesses or services to grow. These people are your priority.

What is Your Main Offer?
Good offers Sell. Customers place orders and repeat orders. They recommend you. They upgrade to your premium products and services. 
If your products or services are not selling, your offer is either not meeting potential customer needs or it is priced wrong. How can you better your competitor’s offers?

 Yes the engineer businessman put this last. Outdated technology won’t sell, but customers tend to buy what works. Have the people closest to the customers prioritize your investments. Better quality, faster delivery, reduced customer efforts and selling points are what you need.

Notice did not specify industry, business size, nor customer type. These rules work whether a Fortune 100 or business in a garage. What is Your Priority Monday morning?

October 15, 2018

Rest in Peace Paul Allen

Paul Allen passed away today from complications of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Paul is know as the co-founder of Microsoft, and may be known as the owner of sports teams Portland Trail Blazers and Seattle Seahawks. He invested in real estate development, medical research, and artificial intelligence among others. He gave millions to museums, MoPOP, the Heritage Flying Museum, and other charities for the homeless.

Paul was an engineer and the son of a teacher and a librarian. He grew in the leader may of us admire and miss today. 

Paul Allen was reserved and personable. He was the boss who listened to your concerns, gave feedback or direction, then let you go do your work. He not only donated money, Paul tried to figure out what was wrong and fix it. For instance working on climate change figuring out the why the coding was wrong.

Paul also really loved music was always with his guitar. His players knew him from the sidelines and locker room. No matter how busy he was, he communicated one on one. Paul Allen is a great example to model for leadership. 

Prayers and sympathy for his family, co-workers and friends.

October 6, 2018

Career and Earnings Lessons

Education & lifelong learner handled changes. What can you learn from one career?

1973 Lifeguard - $2.35 per hour. ($0.50 above minimum wage)
Back from 6 week cross country summer trip. Had lifesaving certificate and replaced friends off to college. Bought 10 speed out of $253 earnings.

1978 - Process Engineer - $7.79 per hour.
Graduated college working heat treat department in aerospace manufacturer.  Not use to so much money, lived on 1 of 2 paychecks saving the other. Started MBA classes next year.

1983 - Production & Quality Engineer - $11.54 per hour.
First company laid off half of employees. Got opportunity with nuclear manufacturer before got my lay off. 40 mile commute led to quitting grad classes. Bought first home for $65,000 with 5% down.

1988 - Manufacturing Engineer - $16.45 per hour.
Navy shut down nuclear company. Crossed picket line 2 years for firearm manufacturer in extended strike. Followed 2 short term jobs with small manufacturers. 6 months unemployment was best experience & motivation to develop more skills.

1993 - Manufacturing & Quality Engineer - $19.06 per hour.
Small hardware manufacturer in poor market conditions. Wore many hats, developing ideas into new products. Company employment shrank, but company grew market share from #3 to strong #2. However 2-3% raises not helpful. Had roommates and worked 2ndjob to pay mortgage and car payment.

1998 - R&D Engineer - $32.88 per hour.
Joined large hardware manufacturer crossing country. 2ndrelocation to west coast came with promotion. Sold 1sthouse after 13 years for $72,000 (net loss $1,300). Bought 2ndhouse for $190,000.

2003 - Commercial Appraiser - $20.00 per hour.
Self employed assisting partner and learning new industry. Difficult how much needs to be done to be successful as entrepreneur. Sold 2nd house for $262,000 living off proceeds for 2 years. Year met my wife.

2008 - Contract Engineer / Marketing - $29.00 per hour.
Real estate market collapsed in 2006. Got back into engineering rationalizing overgrown product lines for Spa / Whirlpool Bath manufacturer. Wound up leading marketing project. Studied Solidworks computer design software.

2013 - Manufacturing Engineer / Project Management - $43.05 per hour.
Relocate to Pacific Northwest for development program at large aerospace manufacturer. So much need to be done. Keep moving projects and desks. Studied for PMI project management certification, but did not take $600 test while unemployed. Healthy raises & asked would I consider management, but management’s life is challenging. Bought 3rdhome for $265,000.

2018 - Manufacturing Engineer / Project Management - $52.20 per hour.
Program went from development to sustaining. Out of 1,100 manufacturing engineers, 1 of 123 left on program. Worked 13 projects & had 24 desks in 8 years. Raises dropped to 2-3% as demand slowed. (Age is a factor.) However a new program in development and will be opportunities for promotions. Expect to work 10-15 years more.

1) Employment tomorrow is Not guaranteed
     (Unemployed 2.5 out of 40 years)
2) Save for your future and hard times. 
3) Times change. Moved between industries, 7 states and new technologies. 
4) Education never stops.
5) Growth comes from taking Responsibilities and Risks.
6) Persist for Success.
7) Account for Inflation. 3 median priced houses: $65,000 in 1983. $190,000 in 1998. $265,000 in 2010. (Houses are up 80% in 8 years here)
8) Cash flow determines how comfortable your life is.

These lessons work. Apply them to your career and industry.

September 29, 2018

We Are Too Hard On Ourselves

Who hasn’t been afraid we make a fool of ourselves in public. Sure the people we talked with were bored or think we are foolish. (foolish and human here)

We analyze and criticize every mistake we make during the day. If you play sports, you replay the bad plays instead of your highlights.

Do you remember the nice things you said on social media? No you remember the criticisms or insults.

Time published “People Like You More Than You Think” about published research in Psychological Science. We underestimate how much the other person likes us. Everyone does this, especially if we are shy.

The tendency is to substitute our feelings about we said because we can’t know what the other person thinks. We assume they think (like us) that we made a bad first impression. That is not true, and people will give us several chances in future meeting.

The penalty for being so negative is anxiety, sadness and even depression. We may avoid social encounters that could be enjoyable being hard on ourselves.

The secret is listening to other people, asking questions about them, and be present in the moment. When we focus on others, it quiets the critical voice in our mind. Find most people are good and kind. Go enjoy your day.

September 22, 2018

Would You Want Your Life Judged on Being a Teenager?

First of all I believe Christine Blasey Ford was involved in an incident. The Me Too movement and too many women I love and respect shows our culture allowed it.

Being a teenager was a time where we are growing, being awkward, learning and making mistakes. Said the wrong thing, kissed the wrong people, and did things we regret later. Know would not want to be judged solely on any one of my mistakes. Especially the ones that show up in my nightmares.

But I am 61 and comfortable in my skin. Have worked hard, paid taxes, mentored people, volunteered and enjoyed life. Know am a good man. The mistakes I made I learned from. This is how good judgment is formed.

Christine Blasey Ford has created a tremendous career, family and community service. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has created a a tremendous career, family and community service. They are both in their 50s. Neither should be judged from one incident without looking at their overall lives.

September 15, 2018

Unrealistic Expectations

“I want that woman’s life. 
            Whose life is that?
The one in my social media.” 
- Between Friends comic

Don’t create perfection expectations on yourself. We all say the wrong thing. Drop food we are cooking. Make investment mistakes. Lose things. Oversleep in the morning. 

A study shows American, Canadian & British college students are suffering from “multidimensional perfectionism”, setting unrealistically high expectations and being hurt when they fall short. Today’s students aren’t the first to fall short.

Didn’t you dream of being a millionaire? Being famous. Getting that promotion. Having your own business? Marrying the perfect spouse? Perfect kids?

Last I checked kids are kids. We get sick now and then. Companies have layoffs. And we fail. More often than I care to admit.

Give yourself credit for making mistakes. It is how we learn. Besides you are excluding all the things you have done right. Think of the people you helped. We are proud of you.

September 8, 2018

How to Handle Bullies

School starting reminds me of what I learned in 8thgrade, how to handle bullies. Afraid it was common then and still common today. 2 incidences formed my reaction when encountering these behaviors.

End of 7thgrade was only 5’1”, 80 pounds and among the youngest in class. My growth spurt started and grew 3 inches over the summer. (Total 9 inches in 1.5 years) 

Start of class walked up to a group of boys. One said, “Amos is here.” The shortest guy in the group said, “Let’s pick on him” and turned around. First he looked down where I was before summer, and then looked up to where I now stood over him. He walked away embarrassed while we all laughed. 

Dawned on me bullies only want an easy target. They don’t want you to fight back. Resolved to never be an easy victim, even though quiet and shy.

Few days later that resolve was tested. Walking down the hall carrying books a younger boy my size slammed my shoulder spinning me. Reached behind me and caught my books before they fell, then looked at him and his friend walking away. “He did that on purpose.” I was mad.

Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedules were different than Tuesday-Thursday, so it was next Tuesday before he and his friend were coming down the hallway. Switched my books to my right hand and pretended to be distracted looking away. An ideal looking target. When he was inches away paused my walk and kept both feet on ground with back leg bracing me. He stepped into my path and swung his shoulder, only to bounce off backwards off my shoulder. This time he spun around and looked at me walking calmly away.

A few days later saw him and his friend again. This time he saw me looking directly at him. Even walked into the middle of the hallway forcing him to walk around me. Never saw him or his friend again, suspect they picked different hallways.

The lesson is bullies don’t respond to normal give and take. Try to placate them, they will take more advantage of you. You have to find a strategy to throw them off. I interrupted their challenges with jokes. Offered to fight which they really didn’t want. They wanted easy. I wasn’t. Stand up for myself and others. Bullies may surprise me first time, but they get notice next time they try.

If you are experiencing a bully, read Sam Horn’s “Take the Bully by the Horns”. She dives deep into the psyche and has strategies to neutralize bullies. 1-3% of people have psychopathic traits or behaviors. It is a good skill to have. 

You are worth standing up for.

September 1, 2018

Labor Day Thoughts

The late Sen. John McCain never forgot the soldier or average person in his career. Let us not forget our neighbors working in factories, warehouses, retail and services. 40% of working people do not make enough to live comfortably. They struggle to pay rent, groceries, healthcare or utilities. Any unexpected expenses or hardship derails being able to pay bills. Even though unemployment is down, food insecurity is on the rise.

Why? Middle-wage workers’ hourly wage is only up 6% since 1979. Low-wage workers’ wages are down 5%.  Outsourcing, the rise of a global workforce, and shrinking unionization has weakened the power to ask for raises. 

Education, housing and medical care have all gone way up. Fewer jobs offer stable hours or health insurance creating no safety net. Imagine you are on disability raising a teenager like my childhood friend.  My sister, trying to get disability for 3 years, lives on half of what he makes.  Hard to make your money last till the end of the month on so little.

All governments are in too much debt now to be able to do more. They need businesses growing their economy. Inflation needs to continue to rise, so governments get out of their overspending and over promising. However inflation hurts people on fixed income.  There are no easy ‘tax the rich’ solutions. Hard choices have to be made to cut spending and raise taxes.

Middle-wage workers may save some, but mostly rely on Social Security to retire.  Low-wage workers are completely dependent on Social Security. Yet healthcare costs are taking more every year, and your spouse being ill or dying can bankrupt you.

Was taught there are no unimportant jobs growing up. Everything has to be done by someone to contribute to success. Everyone is important. 

What can we do to care for family, friends and neighbors? $15 per hour minimum wages? Health care for all? Guaranteed work for all? Mental health treatment for all? We need ideas and we need action. Take some time this weekend to think how we can help.

August 28, 2018

Working Special Projects

There are good and bad risks to special projects. The project may be a major source of new income to your company. You may get recognized and promoted for your contribution.

The downside, not doing regular work (paying bills today) you become expendable. If your business slows down you can be laid off.

Recommend you take special projects in spite of the risks. Skills and leadership are developed by trying something new. Gain experience coming up with plans, solutions and overcoming issues.

Choose yourself to do something special.

August 18, 2018

Lower Overhead

Do you work in an open office? I do. 

Moved from a partial cubical row with tall walls between rows and overhead storage to a small room with low walls. More audio and visual interruptions / distractions. Less productivity per employee.

Less personal and less storage. Lets be honest, engineers love having samples in our cabinets. Lets us look at the designs we are trying to improve. Room for pictures, calendars and personal items so office felt like home. Now minimized, have 5 drawers in roll around cabinets.

Why are businesses going to open offices if not for productivity? Less floor space per employee equals less cost. 

The average office space per employee has shrunk from 225 sq. ft. in 2010 to 150 sq. ft. in 2017. Saving 75 sq. ft. times $50 annual building cost per sq. ft. times 500 employees would save $1,875,000 per year.  That is a lot of savings for any company. [Credit Erik Rood for analysis]

The easiest way to improve business results is to lower overhead costs, especially real estate costs. Cost reduction is easier than getting more customers, expanding profit margins per sale, or improving productivity. 

Our job is to be productive no matter our workspace. What works for you? Library rules, noise canceling headphones, more email / messaging, or more meetings to discuss projects. 

August 11, 2018

Drive Fast, Take Chances

Not what we wish people. “Take Care”, “Drive Safe”, “Safe Travels”, or “Have a Safe Trip” is how we wish loved ones goodbye. 

Not Lenny Aniello. An iconoclast, beard, ponytail, Yale grad, and probably underdressed. Son of a business owner, he owned his programming business back when no one understood computers nor heard of Arpanet or AOL. 

His customers were often the insurance companies, home of preppy dress codes, standardized cubical wall heights, and formal rules. Lenny knew they wanted his skills. Those days he could make a mini computer act like a mainframe. He would show up on a motorcycle wearing leathers at business meetings. The meetings usually went well.

Lenny knew the interesting conversations weren’t boring. Errors are how you learn. Side roads are where some of your best memories are found. Technology is developed by trial and error. It is needed today, not tomorrow. Nothing is accomplished without someone taking a risk

Lenny wanted the best for his kids and friends. He pushed us to be better. Go be uncomfortableFail now and then. Laugh about it. 

Hope made Lenny proud - taking work in 7 states, owning 2 businesses, writing books, public speaking, still playing volleyball, and always learning.

The safe way is not how you get ahead. Drive Fast, Take Chances.

August 4, 2018

What is Feeding You?

Reading bad news? Scary opinion pieces? How the world is going downhill fast? Jobs will go away. Young people are not the same. Politics are horrible.

Not True.

Technology improves our lives. Health care is curing and preventing diseases. Research gets deeper understanding our world. Engineering is more accurate. Safety improves every year.

Why? Hard Work.

We feed the whole world using less land. ~1.1 billion people have moved out of extreme poverty since 1990. Extreme poverty worldwide is down from 35% (1990) to 10.7% (2017). Total giving to charitable organizations was $410.02 billion in 2017.

Problems and challenges never go away, but we improve lives daily. Join us changing the world, one task at a time.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...