July 4, 2020

Leadership and Success Recognize Persistence

Everybody looks for the moment victory was assured. Who made the great discovery? Who won the great battle that turned everything around? Who’s idea was it?

Wars are not won by one battle, but a long series of grinds. The US Navy did not win WW2 against the Japanese Navy because their ships were better. Admiral Nimitz sent 150 portable shipyards towards the fronts to repair ships quickly to return to combat. The US navy trained every sailor how to fight fires. Pipes that carried flammable or explosive liquids were drained. Everyone knew what to do and did non-glorious work. The Japanese Navy trained dedicated damage teams, turned out not as effective.

Life does not change on one moment by itself. Hard work done by lots of uncredited ordinary people makes change work. You change by every success or failure you experience.

Coronavirus will not be conquered by a miracle drug or vaccine. It will be a combination of research, testing, trials, learning and improving treatment protocols. Will be doctors and nurses vigilant and performing procedures faithfully. Cleaning crews being dedicated and going the extra mile. It will be civilians maintaining disciplined distancing and wearing masks for months or years.

Leaders have to recognize and reward ordinary work to be exceptional. Execution, culture and teamwork eat strategy daily.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

“Real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determinations.” – John Seaman Garns

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