March 20, 2020

Corona Virus Will Pass Too

‘This Too Shall Pass’ got me through many hard times. Will get us through SARS Covid-19.

Feels weird - schools closed, restaurants closed, stores closed, movies closed, social distancing, no sports, church on Facebook, shelter in place, and working from home. Today was my first day of many to come. Usually talking with coworkers and mechanics. Now have the window office on grandpa’s ~100 year old rolltop desk.

Over 200 deaths, 15,000 confirmed cases and probably 150,000 unconfirmed. No one knows really. Pandemics are really scary. Staying safe is important, especially if your immune system is weakened.

Humans have survived world wars, other pandemics, famines, the industrial revolution, computers, and so far social media. We can shelter in place or quarantine ourselves for a few weeks. Next year this will be over. God is still in charge.

Use the time to plan that vacation. Read a good book or rent a movie. Better yet, call your family and friends. Run errands or go shopping for neighbors or relatives. Donate blood. Kindness rules.

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