February 22, 2020

Predicting Your Life

Blog post #300 - Thanks to all readers making this worthwhile

Most of us believe our life will turn out the best. “A great marriage. Nice house. 2 cars. Great careers. Our kids will be perfect.” Life is full of Unexpected Experiences:
  • Addiction
  • Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke or Medical Issues
  • Divorce
  • Early deaths of loved ones
  • Employer or your business closes
  • Homelessness
  • Jail time
  • Losing your job after 50
  • Mental health issues
  • Moving to find work
  • Severe pay cuts
  • Spouse disabled
  • Special needs children
  • Suicide
  • Unemployment stretching years
None of those things above are in our dreams growing up, yet most adults experience one or more or your family experiences several surprises. Most are out of our control. 

For example mental illness strikes 1 of 5 adults, 1 of 6 children, and 1 of 3 families.

You can do everything right and still have health problems. Hereditary and luck are part of health.

 However some of these are in your control. Start saying “No one will know” or “They’ll never catch me” and you are likely going to jail. 8.1% of federal prison inmates were college graduates. Harvard Graduate School encourages MBA students to stay out of jail.

What to do?
First realize you are not alone no matter what goes wrong in your life. Read advice columns like Ask Amy, Ask Carolyn and The Moneyist to learn about how people treat each other. Dear Abby helped prepare me for life, and she had a wonderful sense of humor.

Build Your Resilience
Be realistic and seek feedback about yourself. Create a list of all the things you have learned or overcome. No one is as great nor awful as they think. Even then you can still change.

Try Something New
Failing or flailing at new sports or hobbies expand your mind as well as humility.

Ask for Help
Everyone gets stuck. No one accomplishes it all on their own. Working with people can create miracles.

Spend Less
People in debt for spending struggle more often. Savings give you more options when things go wrong or your future. My WW2 mentors on first job told me to have a “FY” fund, in case a boss ever asked me to do something illegal or mistreated me.

Have Courage
Not trying to worry you. Worry is unproductive. No one can prepare for everything. Just ask any parent raising children how unprepared they were. Yet kids grow up to be good adults in spite of us.

When problem come up, sometimes we cry, sometimes we laugh and sometimes we pray. Then we Go Do Our Best.

#300 starting writing in 2007 with the ‘Success Ladder’. Have learned to communicate, have empathy, try new experiences, and met many wonderful people. You will be amazed how many people help you learn, and root for you. I root for you as well - to succeed, learn and share. Thanks for reading.

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