The aerospace industry had a “bad year” in 2018. International accidents accounted for 564 fatalities. 2017 was the safest year in history, but 2018 was still among the safest. This is despite increases in passengers and miles flow. 2019 expected passengers are almost 4.6 billion, around 130 percent higher than in 2004.
In the 1950s & 1960s US airlines has at least a half dozen crashes per year, most leading to fatalities. The number of fatalities per million miles flown has dropped drastically since the 1970s.
Why? Safety has been created by developing systems and through extensive testing. Aircrafts are designed with safety and redundancy in mind. Two engine airplanes could take off, fly and land with one engine. They are built and maintained by trained professionals executing detailed plans. Pilots are extensively trained and rehearse emergency procedures just in case. Regulators ensure procedures are sufficient and followed.
Everyone works together - airports, competitors, and regulators from around the world. When an incident happens, we study what happened and what the potential causes may have done that. We learn together, design solutions, mitigate risks, and ensure incidents will not be repeated. We grieve those we lost.
New materials, electronics, sensors, computers and controls are being developed daily. It is not simple, nor easy to do. But that is most valuable for everyone. Safety depends on everyone working together. How can you help?
Life has never been risk free. Happily will fly on any commercial or regional flight with my family.
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