December 30, 2017

Less Resolutions Equal More Success

New Year’s Day is the traditional start of resolutions. Like we could actually do something the morning after a New Year’s Eve celebration.

Not a fan of the annual start to your diet, saving money, and joining a gym. There is nothing magical about January 1st. When you are ready to make a change, Start Now.

Two reasons most resolutions fail:
1. We try to do too much at once.
2. We don’t figure out why we want to change.

Warren Buffet’s method is to write down 25 professional goals, then focus on the 5 most important goals, and ignore the rest. He considers the other goals distractions from succeeding at more important goals.

My take is we can only accomplish up to 3 goals at a time. By limiting my focus to one or two goals at a time, am more likely to succeed sooner. Complete more goals in a year by focusing on fewer goals.

Most people are not focused, and lose motivation the first few times they meet resistance. The reason is they have not thought out their why.

Often make tweaks to my work routine. The reason these tweaks usually take is my motivation is to Do Meaningful Work Well. Like to be 1% better than yesterday. If this means have to drop some habits or start a new routine, so be it.

My strongest motivations are fairly simple.
Here to Serve Customers, Their Customers and My Coworkers. If it requires extra effort, okay.
My Brain Needs a Healthy Body to Carry It Around. Why you see me run pitifully on days off, and take frequent walks. Lost 10 - 15 pounds when necessary at 1 pound per month. Changes that last.

Do not to tie up every minute in a day. Free time is thinking time. This is where you can really make large leaps in innovation and productivity. Keep asking different questions when you do.

“Those who are wise won’t be busy, and those who are too busy can’t be wise.” - Lin Yutang

Have not changed my resolutions this year. My whys are a compass that guide me. What are your whys?

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