March 4, 2017

Fix Your Job Hunt

(Do you really want a job?)

Job Hunting is Frustrating and Very Stressful. You no longer have the income that you depended on. Bills are piling up and savings going down. Your social standing may be lower with strangers. You miss your old friendly coworkers who greeted and talked with you daily. We depend on social interaction to live.  We want our old life back.

We need to adjust our attitude to get our next job. This is only a trip to our next life. Not insurmountable. A phase to get through. Assume you will get a job. Then job hunting will be less stressful.

That is right, assume you grow through this experience. You will be a better person, more humble and more human after starting a new position. You will help other job hunters because you understand.

We don’t know how long it will take to get another job. We just know you will find one. You may have to move. You may have less stuff. But we, who have been unemployed before, found new work. You will too.

Now you know you will find work. What steps to prepare should you do?
  1. Write down a list of your successes at work and in school. Does not matter if anyone else thinks they are a success. You do. Write them out.
  2. What compliments did you receive? People have told you what you are good at. Don’t discount small compliments. What you find easy to do are your gifts.
  3. What assignments or parts of your jobs did you enjoy? What tasks or skills do you want to do on your new job?

 Your strengths, gifts and experiences will help you excel at your career. Don’t skip this step of understanding yourself. Most people think they can do any job. But you get hired for the job you do well. The more focused you are, the faster you go back to work.

Assume you will succeed, put in effort, cultivate a positive attitude, and you will succeed.

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