October 29, 2016

Volunteer to Grow

What is not obvious is the growth that comes from being a volunteer.

Got a nice compliment from a friend after our 7th annual Chilifest. Was tired and cleanup was wrapping, so time to go. Paul said he really appreciated how I volunteer because I do so much.

Admit being a little embarrassed in front of the other volunteers. What I did that night was not that important. Helped set up tables, got people registered and to their table, made coffee, carried things, got ice and cooked hot dogs for the kids. Nothing other people don’t do.

Dawns later, was important talking with contestants, guests, kids and volunteers to make sure everyone had a good time. Probably what stood out.

Been volunteering for a long time. Giving blood, helping organize, grunt work, picking up trash, taking money, making name tags, inviting speakers, introducing people, and making (small) donations. Not special.

However have grown from young self-centered to thinking about others. Have gone from doing it myself to being part of a community. Went from shy to social. Met great people and continue to meet community & business leaders. Even considered a leader by others. Not intentional, just happened.

How to do it? Just show up, and be willing to do something. Am willing to wash dishes or serve anyone. Act like a host/hostess. Do something you haven’t done before. Be awkward. Let someone show you. Kids can be the best teachers.

Volunteers are not experts and don’t do this everyday. Nor do the people being helped expect perfection. We joke about things being messed up, because you get the help you pay for.

The best thing is not to do something and then leave. The most important thing you can do is meet people and let them know you care. Growth comes from caring.

"Embrace fear, insecurity and uncertainty as the doorways of opportunity that they are." 
- Jenny Blake, author “Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One”

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