July 30, 2016

The Greatest Time to be Living

Been hearing negative statements over and over recently. Gold Bugs and Preppers believe the world is falling apart. Each political party blames the other during election years for everything and anything.

You may hear:
  • ·      Times are tough.
  • ·      The economy is weakening.
  • ·      Jobs are being eliminate or sent to _____
  • ·      Society will fail.
  • ·      Currencies are going to fall.
  • ·      There will be chaos.

 “Pessimism narrows our focus, whereas positive emotions widen our attention and our receptiveness to the new and unexpected.”
– Daniel Goleman

There have always been hard times, new illnesses, conflicts, wars, poverty, and innocent people starving. Even Jesus said, “You will always have the poor”.

The truth is today is the best time to be living and tomorrow will be better:
  • ·      More food is grown on less land than ever.
  • ·      Medical science is conquering cancer, heart disease, aging, and developing therapies to rebuild our bodies.
  • ·      Computers grow faster, smaller and double in memory every year or two.
  • ·      Our phones have more computing power than the mainframes I was taught on in college.
  • ·      Knowledge has gone from stored on paper to abundantly spread all over the Internet.

 Nothing goes forward in a simple, straight manner. Innovation and progress are marked with false starts, failures, crashes and disasters. But we learn and keep improving daily.

Today and tomorrow will still be inconvenient, difficult, and dangerous. But tomorrow will also be better.

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.”
Doris Day

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