February 27, 2016

What is the Best Lesson to Give?

"If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness." - Les Brown

Parents wonder what to give, what to teach, and how to raise their kids. What is the best we can give them? Computers, games, toys, nice clothes, jewelry or experiences?

The best gift is model what we want them to be. Model good behavior for your children, neighbors and co-workers.

We all have bad days, failures, bad news, illnesses, things break and there are disappointments. Be emotionally intelligent about how we respond at the moment.  Take a deep breath. Pause. Express your disappointment, be calm, and remind them (and yourself) bad times don’t last forever.

If something is your responsibility, own it. Be responsible and think about how you can make it right.

My father is the reason I am resilient. He was honest beyond reason. He would leave a restaurant or store, and then realize they gave him too much change. Did not matter he was an executive and it was a small amount, he went back to make it right.

My mother was very sick many times in their marriage. We lost count how many surgeries she went through. Dad often came home from a long day at work, did the housework and cooked for us. No big deal in an era when men did not do housework. Never heard one complaint. Life was often difficult, but he would do what was needed and persevere in good humor.

Dad was happy when our friends were over. He would play with us. Remember him diving into the pool to splash us all. The joke was he was “The Big Kid”.

My father did not tell us what he did. Went to my parents old home to move some possessions that did not fit in the moving van. The couple who bought their home told me during the closing, the lawyer read the terms on the deed (on a 1950’s house). There was a restriction that the deed could not be transferred to a Jew or Negro. The room was silent. My father was the first to speak up, “That is not right. That has to go.” That was impressive.

Kids are always watching and learning from us. Especially when it is serious or stressful. Teach them to live well by your actions. My dad taught us well.

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