February 27, 2016

What is the Best Lesson to Give?

"If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness." - Les Brown

Parents wonder what to give, what to teach, and how to raise their kids. What is the best we can give them? Computers, games, toys, nice clothes, jewelry or experiences?

The best gift is model what we want them to be. Model good behavior for your children, neighbors and co-workers.

We all have bad days, failures, bad news, illnesses, things break and there are disappointments. Be emotionally intelligent about how we respond at the moment.  Take a deep breath. Pause. Express your disappointment, be calm, and remind them (and yourself) bad times don’t last forever.

If something is your responsibility, own it. Be responsible and think about how you can make it right.

My father is the reason I am resilient. He was honest beyond reason. He would leave a restaurant or store, and then realize they gave him too much change. Did not matter he was an executive and it was a small amount, he went back to make it right.

My mother was very sick many times in their marriage. We lost count how many surgeries she went through. Dad often came home from a long day at work, did the housework and cooked for us. No big deal in an era when men did not do housework. Never heard one complaint. Life was often difficult, but he would do what was needed and persevere in good humor.

Dad was happy when our friends were over. He would play with us. Remember him diving into the pool to splash us all. The joke was he was “The Big Kid”.

My father did not tell us what he did. Went to my parents old home to move some possessions that did not fit in the moving van. The couple who bought their home told me during the closing, the lawyer read the terms on the deed (on a 1950’s house). There was a restriction that the deed could not be transferred to a Jew or Negro. The room was silent. My father was the first to speak up, “That is not right. That has to go.” That was impressive.

Kids are always watching and learning from us. Especially when it is serious or stressful. Teach them to live well by your actions. My dad taught us well.

February 20, 2016

Forget Aging

Mom had a tough life. She was in constant pain from injuries, cheerleading, arthritis, medicine side effects, and too many surgeries to count (over 20, 25?). She joked if she knew she would live so long, she would have taken better care of herself.

Please understand my comments are a mix of snarky, tongue in cheek, truth and a goal of living to be 120. Decided the live to 120 goal at 17, living to 100 was too common. Going kicking & screaming when the time comes.

Mom’s statement of taking care of yourself must have stuck. Am fit for my age, within my weight goal, playing volleyball for 30+ years since my first rotator cuff injury. A very good player into my 40’s, now play more for exercise and fun.

Can do all the stupid things I did 10 years ago. Just going to hurt a little longer... Saying that for about 30 years so far. Am favorite butt of my jokes. (Those who can laugh at themselves will be endlessly entertained). 

Not the best athlete in the family. Uncle Carl is 81 and still playing senior softball & senior basketball tournaments and all-star teams. At least 20 more years before can kick back and relax.

Uncle Carl is amazing - smart, great personality, retired business owner and professional gambler. Last year his team traveled from NJ to Buffalo for a tournament and were short handed with 7 players. They proceeded to win the tournament. My cousins were impressed with their dad as am I.

We have not been able to do this without illnesses, injuries and accidents. Uncle Carl fell down the stairs in Hawaii and took a year to recover in his 70’s. Have two bum knees from growing 9 inches in a year and half. My right shoulder has had 3 or 4 rotator cuff injuries.  Been limping with a sore leg, and can’t imagine how many injuries and sprains have had. If I wake up and nothing hurts, check and see if am still alive. (~Rodney Dangerfield)

There has been a medical study of a group of runners in Manchester, CT who have been followed for 25+ years. After 25 years half the runners are doing the same distance and times. The logical question is were they affected by illnesses and injuries? The answer is yes, half were. However half of the runners with the illnesses and injuries were in the group running the same times and distances.

You can recover, rehab, persist and overcome if you do the work.

Advice: Find something you love doing. I run, dive on the ground, and jump like a maniac to keep a ball in the air. It is competitive, social, and a lot of fun. Then we won’t mind the sacrifices to stay in shape. Nothing wrong with a bunch of things you like to do either.

Beginning to research how to stop or reverse aging. Truthfully cruised into my mid-50’s in great shape. Lost weight when had to. Only now beginning to feel some aging effects.

Patrick Cox’s Tech Digest is a great place to start. Read “2015: The Year Anti-ageing Came of Age” for good info.

Go out and exercise a little tomorrow. A walk, hike, run, swim, dance or whatever opportunity you have for fun.

The challenge is my mind tells me am 25. My body tells me my Mind Lies.

February 17, 2016

Had to think this through

Siding with Apple that developing new software to crack one phone will be reused all over the world. No fan of terrorist, but other governments will demand it to crack down on people.
Second code is considered free speech. We can't force people to say what we want. 
No government forcing Apple to develop new code!

February 12, 2016

Coping Skills

There are days and there are those days. You know what I mean. May be time to go back to bed & get out of the other side, sprinkle holy water around the house, and various pleas to the saints too.

My year is not as horrible as other people with serious illnesses, dangerous diseases or kids selling something or other at the door. But 2016 has started off on the wrong foot and keep stumbling downhill.

One cure I will rely on today - CHOCOLATE!!! Thank the Lord today is not a fasting day in Lent. Started off the morning with trail mix and plan to break out the reserves this afternoon. Tonight, comfort food and Java Chip ice cream.

"When I can laugh at it, it can't be that bad" is a big coping truth. You can see it in my warped and amused musings. There are always going to be bad days, horrible days, and worse days to cope with.

It helps to have little ways to cope. Take a short walk. A deep breathe. Stretching. Going outside. Cup of coffee. Cursing under your breath. A favorite memory or place in your mind to visit. You need to center yourself and stay in control to help others (and yourself).

Truthfully if you look at the big picture, you have gotten through much more trouble in your life. It is amazing we survived some days, and mom did let us live in spite of being teenagers. The trick is to remember there will be days after today and we carry on best we can.

Emotional Intelligence is often the best indicator of success. Likely because that is how we handle setbacks and failure. Successful people have many setback and failures in their career. We need to prepare for ours.

Develop a little humor, good health habits, good friends, an occasional stiff drink, and become balanced. Oh yes, prayer has been invaluable.

February 6, 2016

Authentic and Care

Politicians are struggling understanding this year’s election. Why are Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders so popular? Current/former governors, senators and party leaders are struggling with revolts against the party. Why are Donald and Bernie leading polls and party insiders?

Tucker Carlson explains Donald Trumps attraction in a poignant funny article “Donald Trump is Shocking, Vulgar and Right”.

Tucker’s point is the political establishment is busy being correct in what they say , and we know what is good for you. But who is looking out for us, the average voters?

Donald and Bernie are authentic people shaking up politics as usual. It is not having the correct political position for the group you are visiting. Donald and Bernie care about being great together. Note Governor Jesse Ventura did this successfully in Minnesota.

What does this mean for your business? Market and advertise your company not as professional businesses that are smarter. Be a real people who are looking out for your customer. People buy from friends. They can tell if you care.

Have worked in manufacturing engineering successfully because people can tell am not out there to blame people for the problem. Am there to help fix what is wrong. Provide tools, documents and training as required.

The result is people tell me the truth what they see, and work with me to make their work better.

So are what are you selling for your business? Low prices? Better product? Professional services? Instead show you care.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...