January 1, 2010

Securing Our Airports

Our current airport security is inadequate. It is not possible with current technology to catch all weapons and explosive. There are too many ways to orient weapons to confuse human viewers. Also we humans often tire too quickly for 100% inspections. We need to make improvements in equipment and methods.

We need to admit to passengers there are risks, and to get their help spotting unusual behavior. It does not make us comfortable, but makes us alert and safer.

Explosives are the biggest threat now we have locked the door to the pilots. Between the Christmas Eve Detroit flight and the shoe bomber we have seen the possibility one terrorist makes.

The best method currently available is interviewing people before they board like Israel does. Supplement this with bomb sniffing dogs. Will passengers like it? No, but they will cooperate to be safe.

Long term we must invest in putting bomb sniffers on computer chips. Some false alerts will cause passengers to change colognes or perfumes. When I had to pass a bomb sniffer in the early 80’s, everyone working there knew not to wear ‘Hi Karate’ cologne since it could cause false alerts. In fact I gave up wearing colognes then. Not sure I recommend that as I did not get married until my forties, but you get the idea I adjusted my behavior to avoid problems.

The advantage of putting sniffers on chips is we can put these bomb sniffing chips almost everywhere due to the low cost of operation. Every pinch point like entrances, check in lines, tunnels, parking garages, and baggage conveyors could have a network. In fact exhaust systems could be an ideal pre-alert warning. These would be networked to alert humans to investigate and intervene. These are area where the dogs would still be necessary.

Baggage and people scanners need artificial intelligence build in to spot potential weapons. Humans are too imperfect to spot them reliably. Research needs to be focused here. There are inspection technologies that are close to ready. The added benefit is this technology would speed up scanning.

Can we make it a priority to recruit National Guard members or retired military for the TSA? We need people with experience and who know what the risks are. Field soldiers are already experience looking for terrorist and bombs. Ideal people to recruit and hire.

In addition we need to profile young men in their 20’s to 50’s. It is not politically correct, but over 90 percent of terrorist are young Muslim men in their 20’s to 40’s. Being safe is more important than politically correct.


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