May 28, 2009

The Myth of the Rational Buyer

How Too Much Thinking Can Hurt Your Brand
Fast Company blog

A wonderful question is conventional marketing hurting sales. What if the best thing is to market emotionally to your customers. After all, what are you offering them?

The truth is often simpler. People want what works, looks good, and give pleasure by doing what it is suppose to. How can product development be easier.

May 23, 2009

Celebrities Share Secrets of Success

Great article about a Fox News special on how to succeed. The ten rules are spot on for business and your life. Please read...,2933,521421,00.html

Watch “Secrets of Success,” hosted by Uma Pemmaraju on Sunday at 2 p.m. and 2 a.m. EDT.

Search the title if the link does not work

Here is part of the article:
"Here is a list of some of the common threads they share: lessons they picked up on their own personal journeys towards what they describe as happy and fulfilled lives.

1. How You Think Is Everything. — Learn to visualize success and not failure. The phrase "You are what you think" is a powerful idea. Don’t listen to the voices that are pulling you down -- you can’t spend all your time trying to win over your critics. Run your own race.

2. It's Not About the Money — Material things are the results of success, but are not success itself. It’s great having a nice home, a six-figure salary or luxury vacations, but success isn’t measured by the dollars. It’s measured by how satisfied you feel.

3. Goals, Goal, Goals — Remember that goals must be meaningful and personal; otherwise, you won’t be inspired to achieve them.

4. Great Expectations — For something desirable to happen, you must want the event to happen, firmly believing it will occur and expecting it to take place.

5. To Fail Is to Succeed — Failure pushes you to levels you never dreamed of, and can open doors you never thought possible. See failure as a life lesson for what works and what doesn’t.

6. Dream Big — Never be afraid to follow the dreams of your heart. It’s the fuel for success. Your dreams give you the energy and inspiration to aim for an authentic life.

7. Take Responsibility — Stop expecting things to just happen without action. You need to take action to reach your goals, without blaming others for bumps or setbacks you may find along the way. Own the choices you make: Be a victor, not a victim.

8. Positive, Not Negative — If you are passionate about your dreams and goals, you’re likely to attract people who will want to support and help you. Call on them when you need encouragement or guidance.

9. Never Stop Learning — Read books, take classes, take the time to learn all you can about things that excite, motivate or inspire you. Never lose that sense of wonder or curiosity when it comes to seeking more knowledge.

10. Belief in a Higher Power — Regardless of your religion, develop a strong sense of faith in God and have a daily attitude of gratitude for what you have in this life. Believe that there is a divine purpose to your life and know that there is power in prayer."

May 20, 2009

Game Changer Pocket-Sized Robot Could Change Urban Warfare

Here is a perfect example of a game changer innovation. A successful supplier to the US military, iRobot, develops a better product that will revolutionize warfare. This is the type of innovation needed to stay on top of your business.,2933,520851,00.html

If link does not work, search Foxnews for “Pocket-Sized Robot”

How can you change your market today?

May 16, 2009

Deregulation versus Regulation Failure

Really good commentary by NIALL FERGUSON on blaming the right source.

"All of these were sins of commission, not omission, by Washington, and some at least were not unrelated to the very considerable political contributions and lobbying expenditures of the financial sector. Taxpayers, therefore, should beware."

Really enjoy reading about economics, the market and will include links in the future.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...