Diets don’t work. It’s hard to be disciplined to starve yourself for little reward day after day, week after week. Weight loss takes a lot of time.
Beating yourself up does not motivate you. It just depresses you and kills motivation.
Count little wins will motivate you. Skipped a cookie or snack, win. Walked at lunch, win. Parked further away, win. One less adult beverage, win. Lost a pound, win. Not binging full package of snacks, win.
3 Rules:
1. You decide what a win is. No one else gets a say.
2. Count only wins. No counting losses.
3. No one is perfect.
Messed up? Tomorrow is another day. I may mess it up again, am still looking at my wins. Reinforcement of wins keeps you going. Over time you will have results.
“If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else is going to do it for you.” - Jewish philosophy on uniqueness of our potential.