July 27, 2019

Counting Little Wins

Diets don’t work. It’s hard to be disciplined to starve yourself for little reward day after day, week after week. Weight loss takes a lot of time.

Beating yourself up does not motivate you. It just depresses you and kills motivation.

Count little wins will motivate you. Skipped a cookie or snack, win. Walked at lunch, win. Parked further away, win. One less adult beverage, win. Lost a pound, win. Not binging full package of snacks, win. 

3 Rules:
1. You decide what a win is. No one else gets a say.
2. Count only wins. No counting losses.
3. No one is perfect. 

Messed up? Tomorrow is another day. I may mess it up again, am still looking at my wins. Reinforcement of wins keeps you going. Over time you will have results.

“If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else is going to do it for you.” - Jewish philosophy on uniqueness of our potential.

July 19, 2019

Space is Cool

On the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, why space is still cool:
  International Space Station uses international technologies – Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.
  Space walks.
  Every space program experienced failures.
  “Space is hard.” – Scott Kelly after a SpaceX rocket failure.
  Traveling in a Vacuum.
  Lives were lost. Hard lessons learned.
  Moon dust is dangerous, blocks vision, sticks to & degrades materials, grinds up machinery and people may be allergic.
Lunar Rovers.
 China, India, Israel, Luxembourg, New Zealand, and Singapore are exploring space & the moon.
  Slide rules sent astronauts to the moon.
  On budget and on schedule.
  “No one born after 1935 has stepped on the moon.” – Burt Rutan, Aerospace & Spaceship designer
  It will always involve risks.

There is so much we don’t know. Men and Women need to return.

July 13, 2019

Why You Need a Vacation

Breaks: Weekend trips. Prefer week off (plus a recovery day). You need a break away from your patterns .

Habits: Vacations make us change. Hiking with bear pepper spray. National parks have no or limited cell service and internet. Use those funny things called maps. 

People: Met great people from all over. NY, OH, CA, AZ, MO, TX, AK, MT, ID, OR, WA and Asia. 

Memories: parks have mountains, glaciers, lakes, rivers, alpine meadows, and wildlife. Saw elk, moose, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, eagles, hawks, range cattle, bison/buffalo, horses, prairie dogs, ground squirrels, fox, black bear, and grizzly bear cub. 

Perspective: Climbing to 7,200 feet, rerouting roads & hikes, improvising cooking meals, seeing mountains, changing weather, and stepped on by a horse; how hard can this production problem be?

Take a break from your daily worries and routines. Enjoy your vacation :)

            Glacier National Park, Montana. United States Alps.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...