April 27, 2019

Why Earth Day Predictions Are Poor

There are some people now who will not have kids because “people harm the planet”. We should not freak out over predictions with a poor history of accuracy. Humanity is in No danger of immediate demise.

Was in school in 1970 when Earth Day started. My family already used returnable bottle and recycled can & newspaper before Earth day existed.

Not a denier, temperatures have gone up. Ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since 1880. Is that worth scaring children? 

EPICA Ice Cores over 800,000 years show earth temperature has cycled from lows -12C/-22F to highs +8C/+14F. On that scale we are at ~+3C/+5F. The earth was naturally warming since the end of the Little Ice Age in 1700s well before human emissions of CO2 grew after 1950s.

Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich wrote in 1969 "Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born." He added that by 1975, "some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions." In 1970, he revised his prediction for the worse to warn us, as Perry writes, “that "between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the 'Great Die-Off.'" The Club of Rome made similar apocalyptic predictions in 1972.

Was no worldwide food shortage in the 1980s. Today less farmland provides more food for a global population that doubled over 50 years. Farm yields have tripled in that time. Obesity has become a larger threat to health than starvation. 

Extreme poverty has fallen from 1/3rdthe population to 1/10th (still too large). Global production of goods and services have doubledin one generation increasing wealth. The world middle class encompasses 52% of the world population, even though slums and rural poverty remain in some parts of the world. 

Al Gore’s 2006 “An Inconvenient Truth” predicted sea levels could rise twenty feet. That prediction that has brought rebuke even from those sympathetic to the climate cause. “The rate of sea level rise during the period ~1925–1960 is as large as the rate of sea level rise the past few decades”, climate scientist Judith Curry. The sea level has risen a few inches, not feet.

 Lewis and Curry study appears in the peer-reviewed American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate. Authors Nic Lewis and Judith Curry looked at actual temperature records and compared them with climate change computer models. What they found is that the planet has shown itself to be far less sensitive to increases in CO2 than the climate models say. Lewis and Curry findings show temperature increases will be 30%-45% lower than the climate models say.

What causes poor predictions of the future? 
- Recentcy bias and linier thinking are two main culprits. 
- Not understanding how fast new technologies are rolled out. Did anyone have a “smart phone” before 2007? 
- Models don’t predict changes in behavior. The 1987 Montreal Protocol started phasing out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances.
- Funding for scientific research is easier if you are proving a desired result.

Humans are very clever and hard working. There are few problems that cannot be solved today or in the future. CO2 production will fall with more efficient electric motors, generators, hybrids, fuel cells, hydrogen, solar and nuclear technologies. Need to work on implementing new technologies, but confident we will succeed.
The future is still bright for our grandchildren.

When Earth Day Predictions Go Predictably Wrong

Here's One Global Warming Study Nobody Wants You To See

Climate Alarm: Failed Prognostications

April 20, 2019

No Career Feels Safe

After the 2008 melt down, the previously safe “Professional Class” lost their jobs and sold their homes. People in the top quintile were not safe like they had assumed. Most of us already knew jobs have changed. You are not alone.

2008-2012 grads were hardest hit as skilled people applied for starting salary jobs. School age students who are current grads saw their parents struggle and suffer. Grads struggle with student debts.

Have 4 good friends from college. Good people with flaws, especially me. We graduated among 18% with bachelors in 1978. “Get a degree, and work hard to get ahead” we all heard growing up. Our parents worked and retired from one or maybe two companies with pensions. We expected our lives to be like this, but has not turned out that way.

One friend from college has worked for the same company (under 9 different names) in the same town. Another friend is working in his hometown, but went back to college to change careers and companies. The other 3 of us have moved to multiple states to work. All had stretches of unemployment and uncertainty.

 What changed? Companies became corporate using MBAs to maximize shareholder returns and leadership salaries. Lifetime employment became “you are expendable” and “what have you done lately. Stockholders got more dividends and employees got smaller raises.

HR has closed door discussions about “old” employees with outdated skills. Not my generation, but mid-30s and 40s employees need to be upgraded. Managers are hiring the next generation. Not worrying about the people pushed aside.

How many people get to plan their retirement? Often forced on us early by economy, revised business plans and new technologies. Most people do not have enough saved for early retirement, and can’t find new jobs paying as much.

Lifetime education, new skills and willingness to learn are the new norm. My interviews discussed recent Solidworks training, Project Management certification classes, and writing my first book before I got hired. Volunteered leading training, and keep my job hunting skills sharp. Apply for new opportunities at work and watch the market just in case.

Be prepared. Save more than you expect to. Learn to network. Take any education you can, formal or informal. Watch company’s sales, competitors, and look for technologies you can use. Don’t berate yourself for mistakes nor things you can’t control. If life has taught me one thing, we are often woefully unprepared for what is happening around us. Yet we persist.

One younger brother successfully changed his career to be a minister. Other people around him pointed out his talents, passion for helping people, and guided him through the process. It was not suddenly the way to go, requiring years of studying, hunting for openings, and the responsibilities of the job. While religious life sounds great and has meaning, it is often quite stressful. You meet people going through the worst of life. No one has all the answers.

However he points out the best career is “Daddy” and “Grampy”. Couldn’t agree more.

Related reading:
Why the middle class is shrinking

This is why everyone thinks they are middle class

You’re likely to be out of a job in your 50s

April 14, 2019


Empathy is one of the most under appreciated leadership skill for teams. Without empathy leaders can break teams dictating to or abusing their people. You see problems with high turnover rates and lower retention. 

Empathy helps leaders understand customers and coworkers. Listen their wants and needs. Serving customers and finding new products & services for them. Empathy also helps improve productivity.

Why is corporate leadership only taking care of customers and stockholders? One cause is the stratification of society by advances in transportation. Previous generations leadership lived in the same town, commuted the same short distance, and spent their days mingling with the people working in factories and offices adjacent their own office. 

Most leaders were active in local charities, activities and politics. An opportunity to know ordinary people coming to work, struggling as single parents, taking care of sick parents, and celebrating the joys of life.

Today’s large corporations have headquarters in different states or countries. Leaders are isolated from the issues of their workers. The don’t deal with the same weather, see the same community problems, and spend most of their time planning, meeting with customers or influencing stock analysts. Worker payroll and concerns are delegated to an HR list, somewhere. 

Yet to meet any people who aren’t part of a group that does not feels discriminated against - Male, Female, Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, Middle aged, Older, or Young. Everyone thinks they have encountered discrimination. A commentary on how difficult life is? A commentary how few realize how many other people suffer

Leaders have teams accomplish more than they expect. But you can’t just push, prod and command teams. You need to know people to lead.

Lead your team to greatness

April 6, 2019

Millionaires Myths and Actions

Inherit their wealth 
Only 3% inherit a million dollars, most inherited much less. 4 out of 5 millionaires are self made. They planned, worked hard, and sacrificed.
Attended prestigious colleges
- Half went to state universities, and 10% did not go to college. However 4 of 5 have bachelor degrees.
Have high salaries
- 1/3rd never made $100,000 in a year. Higher incomes do allow more savings.
Get Lucky Taking Big Risks 
- Building wealth is a long term play. Businesses / investments are studied to manage risks
Borrow large amounts of money 
90% never took a business loan, and 80% didn’t borrow from family.
Are all men 
Split pretty evenly.
Live in Luxury 
- Most own modest homes and don’t drive new cars.

What millionaires do:
- Live within their means. Won’t see credit card debt.
Save 20% of what they make, often through 401Ks. Okay to start with less.
Work longer every week. Possibly a side business to become self employed.
- Are resilient and persevere with their plans after setbacks. 
Read books twice as much. 5.5 hours vs. 2 hours per week average.
Exercise twice as much for their health.

What you can do:
- Start where you are
- Volunteer for work assignments and look for opportunities.
- Start side business.
- Add skills or certificates. 
- Increase your 401K deductions with every raise.
- Prioritize spending to avoid impulsive buys.
- Reward yourself time with family and friends.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...