July 28, 2018

Wisdom Does Not Always Come with Age

Vouch for that on my many faux pas. The Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences study states “wisdom seems to be rare among any age group.” 

That may be part of ‘Thinking Fast & Slow’ by Daniel Kahneman where he talks how our mind has multiple operating systems. We prefer System 1 which makes snap decisions and uses little energy. System 2 does the deep thinking requiring much more effort. We need to spend more time in system 2.

Yes, learning comes from handling data, adding context, making choices and observing results. Hopefully that builds insight and judgments we can use.

However do not see wisdom without understanding and compassion of people different than us. Other people have different experiences and options than us. Listening and understanding are the beginning of wisdom. Beyond that caring for others is where we develop our wisdom.

My faith requires me to be better than I am. Do that best I can, fail, and try again with the Lord’s help. Don’t be afraid to try caring.

July 21, 2018

Greatness is Not Glory

Nike’s finest ad challenges what we think the greatness is. First thing we think of is famous athletes, or superstars. After all this is Nike. Not so.

It is not the accomplishments that are the greatness. It activity, starting, trying again, the days we talk ourselves into it, those we don’t and starting again.

Greatness is not in a few. Greatness is in All of Us.

Start with greatness today.

Image result for nike greatness

July 17, 2018


Life and careers are built in layers. 

Baby’s first is to lift their heads. Next they roll over. Then start reaching for things and pulling their selves forward. Next start crawling. Then pull their self upright and using support to not fall over. Take first steps holding on. Those brave first steps. Toddling. Walking. Running. Skipping.

It is not that babies don’t fail. They fall over and over. But they see everyone else walking on 2 legs, so they assume they can do it. 

Second look how important skills are. We would not trust surgery to a high school student. Doctors are developed through general studies, science classes, medical studies, learning how to research, practicing techniques, supervised practice sessions interviewing patients, learning procedures, observing surgeon’s, and preforming first procedures under supervision. Only then are they allowed to practice surgery, and even then hospitals supervise doctors.

Our skills start young how to play, do activities, repetition, study, learn languages, math, socialize, fail and recover. We learn more depth in all these topics plus sports and after school activities. Basics.

We go to college to learn how to study, to think, use research, to do research, to come to wrong conclusions, then be guided to better conclusions. More importantly we meet many more people who are different than us - hometowns, looks, wealth, beliefs, opinions and politics. They aren’t evil, but think different. We compare thoughts, debate, and learn from each other.

At work we learn to serve the customers. They too have different needs, wants and desires. To be successful we prepare business cases, estimate costs, market and sell ideas. We get promoted and learn to lead and manage people. To teach the skills that will make them successful as our legacy.

All these layers are not the same. Some are much more important than others. Some skills take longer to develop. Others have little value. Nor do they stack neatly. 
Instead a few key talents push you upward. Which are your key skills?

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...