October 28, 2017

What Would Help Us All?

Too many words, when actions make the difference.
  •        Kindness.
  •        Caring.
  •        Charity.
  •        Love.

Make the world better.

Don’t just think about it. Take small steps. Fail, learn, and try again.

You are not alone. We grow together. It starts with faith.

Start today. Any try is better than nothing.

October 21, 2017

Business is Relationships

The most important lesson in business is “People Buy from People.” They don’t buy from XYZ Corporation. They buy from Jennifer in customer service. They buy from Paul in sales. They buy from the online ordering system because Carl in marketing wrote ‘How to’ instructions on the webpage. People are always involved from customers to co-workers to service providers working for your company.

One phone call a customer asked me a technical question sales wasn’t sure about. Answered him the product use details. Afterwards we had small talk. Spur of moment asked him ‘Were there any problems he was having?’ He replied he could not get our competitor’s products because they were late delivering. Asked if he knew our products were compatible to the competitors. He did not. Explained the limitations and how they would work.

Week later got another phone call from same customer. He not only had ordered our product to try them, he was raving about fast delivery and how they worked better than the competitors. He was now an Enthusiastic customer. His orders increased and he told friends in the business. One phone call increased product sales for years to come.

No one ever told me to ask customers questions. Was an engineer who rarely talked with customers. Just trying to see how else I could help or learn about a customer’s business. Was building a business relationship.

Business is always changing with new customers, new technologies, new products, new services, and new business models.  What does not change is figuring how to make people’s lives easier and better.

Being polite, patient, and following through builds relationships best. Works with customers, co-workers, bosses, family and friends.

Personal note - My 200th blog post. From the first “Success Ladder” posted on April 1, 2007 till now, writing organizes thoughts and share lessons with readers. Was a newbie unskilled writer in 2007. These posts started discussions with. Some posts became chapters in my books. Reader feedback has helped me learn the writing craft, and more importantly, think about who we serve in business everyday. Thank you.

October 14, 2017

Causes for Gun Violence

1. Untreated mental health issues - over half of mass shooters suspected.
2. Suicides - 2/3rds of all gun related deaths. (See #1)
3. Gun cultures - Gangsters, drug dealers, crime, drug addicts, western history, military, hunters, competitive shooters. - Licensed gun owners rarely involved in crime.
4. Fighting culture. US participation in wars / defending other countries.
5. SWAT police - expansion of raiding homes by force.
6. Violence in movies and videos.
7. Belief problems are taken care of by an individual. Often causes conflicts.
8. Access to guns. If ~800,000 Michigan Hunters were considered an army, they would be the 6th largest standing army in the world.
9. Lack of safety education. More people now have no exposure to gun safety. Shooting was a high school sport.
This is a complex problem that cannot be solved simply by changing laws. Extensive regulation has not stopped criminals from accessing guns. In countries that banned most gun ownership, the suicide rate did not go down. Mass shooters have legally acquired most guns used.
Mental health, drug addiction, and suicide prevention would be best place to start intervention. Intervention, conflict resolution, and mental health treatments need to be priorities.
A long look at our mix of cultures and education is another discussion.

October 7, 2017

Are You Evil?

An odd question, but with a purpose.
  • Do you drive around all these slow people going somewhere?
  • Do you lie? A lot? All the time?
  • Do you only think about your wants? Jump lines to get yours?
  • Do you not care about other people (outside your family/friends)?

 Most criminals start small to see what they can get away with when young. May start by accident, when the world doesn’t end after committing a small sin. They get away with little shoplifting. They try drugs. They bully someone weaker. Steal cash. Join a gang. Steal more. Drink and more drugs. Laugh at working people. After all you are better than those people. Hang out with other criminals. Do time and then steal bigger stuff. Criminals grow worse by not being caught and challenged to face their small crimes.

We saw evil act with a shooter. Not sure how he got to whatever he was thinking. Anyone who thought it was a good idea to kill and wound strangers is experiencing evil. If you find anyone with such thoughts, say something.

We saw much more bravery, people taking risks to help others, acts of generosity and kindness to strangers. People wounded and killed trying to protect others. One lady stayed with a man obviously dying so he would not be alone. Did not even know his name. Just could not leave him. Thousands gave blood and donated water, food and money.

These are the true memories of the week. Heroes, helper, police, medical and everyday people. These are who we want to be. The good Samaritans who look out for those less fortunate.  

How do you become a hero like that? Not sure. Still working on my faults.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...