The hell of complex problems is the more you dig into
details, the more likely you are going to find conflicts that are near impossible to resolve. No one
alone can make all the right choices for everyone else.
You won’t make the right choice for me. And don’t let me choose for you unless you
like pepperoni & mushroom pizza, with coffee ice cream for dessert. My
choices don’t fit your taste buds. We are different, and expect others will
make different choices. President Trump was not the predicted results of the
Complex problems have no simple solutions. ISIS, world
peace, drug use, discrimination, gun violence, health care, and North Korea are
examples. Whatever ideas you propose
will have consequences, and different than expected results.
John Lott was an academic researcher who was convinced gun
laws would reduce crime. He set up detailed research to prove it. However he
found the data did not support his theory. The cities that banned guns had much
more crime. Instead the best way to reduce crime was “Shall Issue Carry
Permits” laws for citizen. Citizens with permits do not commit crimes, and carry permits allow them to protect
themselves. More Guns, Less Crime is his book if you want to learn
Issues like North Korea have no good answers. They have prepared for war for over 50 years.
Little technology or ways to pressure the country exist. Many weapons are
hidden. South Korea and other nearby countries will be bombed if there was an
invasion. Which choice is less worse
may be the best answer.
Start with research and an open mind on complex problems.
Invite others to bring up more
viewpoints and questions. Go find assumptions that were not broken out. Keep
digging and test what really improves the situation. What else has been
overlooked? The solutions often will be an odd combinations of changes.
Compromise and collaboration are difficult. Does not mean we
should not try. But don't expect immediate results. We will fail first before we succeed.