July 29, 2017

Complex Problems

The hell of complex problems is the more you dig into details, the more likely you are going to find conflicts that are near impossible to resolve. No one alone can make all the right choices for everyone else.

You won’t make the right choice for me. And don’t let me choose for you unless you like pepperoni & mushroom pizza, with coffee ice cream for dessert. My choices don’t fit your taste buds. We are different, and expect others will make different choices. President Trump was not the predicted results of the election.

Complex problems have no simple solutions. ISIS, world peace, drug use, discrimination, gun violence, health care, and North Korea are examples. Whatever ideas you propose will have consequences, and different than expected results.

John Lott was an academic researcher who was convinced gun laws would reduce crime. He set up detailed research to prove it. However he found the data did not support his theory. The cities that banned guns had much more crime. Instead the best way to reduce crime was “Shall Issue Carry Permits” laws for citizen. Citizens with permits do not commit crimes, and carry permits allow them to protect themselves. More Guns, Less Crime is his book if you want to learn more.

Issues like North Korea have no good answers. They have prepared for war for over 50 years. Little technology or ways to pressure the country exist. Many weapons are hidden. South Korea and other nearby countries will be bombed if there was an invasion. Which choice is less worse may be the best answer.

Start with research and an open mind on complex problems. Invite others to bring up more viewpoints and questions. Go find assumptions that were not broken out. Keep digging and test what really improves the situation. What else has been overlooked? The solutions often will be an odd combinations of changes.

Compromise and collaboration are difficult. Does not mean we should not try. But don't expect immediate results. We will fail first before we succeed.

July 22, 2017

Stop Picking on Millennials

The stereotype of Millennials is narcissistic, all future CEOs, and saving the world in Yoga pants. This could not be more wrong. Work with talented, hard working, collaborative teammates from the shop floor to the office who want to build great airplanes.

Younger people want what we wanted at their age. A chance to meet people, develop skills and take responsibility. We boomers wanted to change the world in blue jeans and long hair. (At least it was long hair before going grey and falling out)

Millennials want opportunities, good pay, homes, safe neighborhoods and to raise their kids with a good education. Is that different than prior generations?

There are some differences in generations. Millennials saw their parents and family members lose jobs and homes during the Great Recession. They are more empathic, and faced a challenging economy starting out.

Gen X grew up with fears from 9/11, and lost opportunities in the Great Recession. Is it any wonder they value security? Gen X is squeezed between two large populations groups as they take over leadership.

Boomers grew up in a hyper competitive time. Felt bad graduating in the bottom third of my class, until it dawned on me was one of 220 engineering graduates from a freshman class of 662. Two out of three failed or dropped out. Can you imagine today’s helicopter parents hearing that? Starting salaries were tight like today’s economy, but we had severe inflation.

People are not their generations, though events, technologies and trends affected them. People are individuals with different goals, talents and loves. But we are all people.

Treat everyone with respect. You do not know their challenges.

July 15, 2017

Good Speaking Primer

Attended an event promoting apprenticeships in Rainer Beach. There were 2 young men who talked to the crowd. They were not practiced public speakers, but they were both excellent first timers. Why?

Focused on giving good advice the audience could use.
Not platitudes, but straightforward practical experiences, attitudes and reality.

They were motivational without trying.
Be ready to learn, work hard, have a good attitude, and show up on time.

Addressed being minorities without being victims.
Said it will happen, but not going to ruin my day. They were thrilled to have good jobs after low paying, go nowhere jobs. Someone else’s problems were not going to affect them.  After all you grew up being who you are.

Both emphasized it wasn’t because they were special.
The audience could complete the training and get good jobs as well. Success came from learning and applying it. They both supported people to take the training they had.

Very pleased to meet Evan and Gerald last night. Encouraged both to keep speaking because they cared about people.  They talked and showed the audience a path to success.

July 8, 2017

Off the Grid

Shaun (my brother), Irm (his wife), Bruce & Cindy (couple friends of theirs), Ira (my wife) and myself have had a great vacation this week. The interesting part was visiting and staying in National Parks with no TV, cell service nor Wi-Fi.

We hiked, climbed waterfalls and mountains, got sore muscles, soaked in 103F and 107F mineral water, used sunscreen, made wrong turns, took pictures, ate large meals, played cards, talked, told bad jokes, and had a great time. We were not thinking much about not todays ‘news’, who posted what, nor the programs we were missing. Just enjoyed ourselves.

Nice to break habits. We can relax, talk face to face, and meet strangers.

But we all got bored waiting half hour for a meal and pulled out our phone between parks. On our last night we all enjoyed the Columbia Gorge from a Best Western Plus with all the amenities - A/C, TVs, king sized beds, hot tub, breakfast and free coffee. It was wonderful.

My message is not to give up modern conveniences. Take a vacation and get away to refresh yourself. Walk in the woods. Look at beauty and nature. Laugh with family & friends. Be your bad self and enjoy.

July 4, 2017

Happy Independence Day

My neighbors are blowing off fireworks in every direction. (Surround sound?) The Seattle fireworks were over Union Lake and broadcast to music. 

Hope your family and friends are around you having a Happy 4th of July.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...