November 28, 2013

Thankfulness and True Wealth

Reflective mood being Thanksgiving and a year older today.  Just want to share a thought.

The world struggles because the focus is wrong. The president, congress and the Federal Reserve have it wrong. They think wealth is created by adding liquidity to the economy.  QE has not made the economy grow or most people wealthier.

True wealth is created by helping other people. Washing machines improved people’s lives and freed up time to spend with family. Airplanes let us visit each other all over the world. Microwaves heat our food.

Bank’s being able to loan more debt? How has that improved the world? Finance is not as important as building something, no matter how small.

True wealth to most people is being able to share time with family and friends on a holiday. Charity, volunteering and doing good are the best examples of sharing real wealth.

So what am I thankful for today?

Being able to serve coffee and Danishes at church this morning. May even wash some dishes.

Friends and family who are fighting and beating cancer. Their struggles inspire and show the goodness of people/strangers helping them.

Being able to read inspiring thoughts from other writers encouraging us to be a little bit better every day. Not only the famous like Reverend’s Schuler & Olsteen, but friends like Reverend’s Steve Cuff and James Richards teaching faith.

The few words of peace, love and understanding I am able to share. Example my chapter redefining success not as money earned, bur raising good kids as more important. The words may be read by only a few people, but they will reach someone who needs them.

All the engineers I have been able to teach this year how to be better engineers. Always learn something when I teach.

It is not the gifts or possessions that make me thankful today. It is the life I get to share. Please share some of your blessing today and enjoy today. Lets build real wealth.

October 10, 2013

The Government Default

Today the news is the 2 parties are negotiating a 6-week extension raising the government borrowing. Only 7 days ahead of time. What a show of incompetence!

The Republicans thought they were winning. To paraphrase Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, they have become the party of “Stupid”. This member is disgusted.

The Democrats think they are winning. Wrong! You are the irresponsible teenagers borrowing on your credit card. The day is coming soon where your card will be cut in half, and a very long stretch of your pay being docked is beginning. Debt has to be paid.

The US currently spends $23 billion of every $250 billion of taxes for borrowing. Because of good credit borrowing was 1%. Looking at Greece, Ireland, Spain and Italy the interest rate for over indebted is about 6% or higher.  At that rate the US would have to pay $138 billion out of every $250 billion of taxes for borrowing. How much spending is left for the Democrats? Look at Detroit.

Looking for a 3rd party of adults to cut spending and raise taxes. Both are needed for the crisis we are creating. We need a sustainable economy, manufacturing and spending. Anyone coming forward?

September 7, 2013

Your Losing Streak

(Upcoming book: Adapting! Things I Learned from Unemployment)

Everyone goes through tough times. Don’t care how rich, how famous or how ordinary you are. You are not alone. Everyone has hard times.

Being unemployed is tough. You lost your routine. Lost the place you went everyday. Lost the people you saw and enjoyed everyday are gone. You no longer have enough money to go buy your wants, or even needs.  You don’t even know what to do with yourself today. What are you going to do later?

In today’s economy you can be out of work for months or years.  I know from experience.
You can feel confused, frustrated, angry, lost
… or all the above and more.
It is truly a difficult experience.

Understand you are not the first. You are not alone. Go find support. Realize people do care about you, and use their strength to keep going. Experience unlimited, church, temple, mosque and religious groups are wonderful.

Believe in yourself and set out to help someone else. This is the key to success.

Know you will eventually find work. Not always what you want, nor as much as you would like to earn.  You may have to start over, and that is not always a bad thing.

Why should you believe in yourself? Truthfully you have had more successes than you remember. Every year or two you had a success you participated in. Not by yourself, but one you participated in with a team.

Your contributions matter then, now, and in the future. We need you to succeed.

So step one is going through your work, schooling and volunteering. Find those successes. What is the definition of a success? “Anything you think that was a success.” Do not make this hard.

What purpose is this for? You are going to figure out what talents and skills you have. These transferable skills are what employers want.

You have to show your personal value proposition to employers. Same thing entrepreneurs have to do with their customers, you have to do too.

Then look at each success and break it down. What was the situation or problem? What did your team do, and what was your contribution? Write these stories down.

Then estimate, calculate or take a swag at how much $, %, # or time was earned or saved. Don’t exaggerate, but do your best. Remember dollars is the language of business.

These are the stories you are going to tell during your interviews. When they ask have you done this?  You answer. “Not exactly, but I have done something similar with your story. Practice telling these stories out loud, and the more you do it the better you become.

Get started, figure out your skills and the value you have to offer.  We want and need you to succeed. Really.

July 13, 2013

The Wrong Way to Find Work

(From Adapting! What I Learned From Unemployment)

Any way you find work is okay. There is no wrong way to find work.

I have gotten jobs from networking, people recommending me, applying online, posted resumes, recruiters, company open house interviews, mailing resumes, creating special reports, applying in person, and becoming self employed.

My wife got jobs from going door to door dropping off resumes, applying for advertised positions and government jobs online. People get work sending value proposition letters.

Guerrilla Marketing expert Jay Levinson changed the rules of finding work by helping create small businesses. Social media get people eposure and work (and prevent others from getting hired). Writing books and public speaking are wonderful ways to be the expert employers need.

If there was a worst way, it would be only using one technique to hunt for jobs. Bugdet your time - call people, network, search for jobs online, research companies, find new projects, learn about other industries, write marketing materials, send them out, and make time to be with family and friends.

Remember rules are made to be broken. Use more than one way to find jobs.

June 1, 2013

Focus on Being Good for Solutions

Been reading “The Myths of Innovation” by Scott Berkun (Have been a fan of Scott’s writing for several years ), and he dispels the myth that there is one great epiphany moment that creates new products. Instead he shows through history all great ideas are preceded, followed or more likely surrounded with hard work.

Also every improvement overcomes people doubting it will work.

In addition even the person with the idea did not know all the ways any new invention could be used. Wilbur and Orville Wright did not imagine airmail, worldwide airlines, cargo services and millions of travelers daily. They were just the first to really control powered flight. A lot of work by many people has happened since then to create the world travel we take for granted.

Scott’s suggestion for creating innovations – focus on the simple language of problem, prototype, experiment, design and solution. The solution should benefit someone else and “do good”.

The other point is get started doing something, work in small teams, provide needed leadership, and be happy about interesting mistakes to learn from them. Interesting mistakes often become the innovations people think of like microwave ovens. You have to be aware and see why they did not fit your expectations.

So do something good, learn from it, and try to benefit people. Focus on being good, and who knows where that will take us in the future.

April 15, 2013

Terrorist Ruin Good Days

Today another terrorist tried ruin a good day in Boston. Patriot’s Day is a Massachusetts Holiday. People were vacationing, running, and watching their family and friends finish.

We need to pray for the victims and their family. We need to grieve. Then we need to live our lives like this never happened. Be aware when things don’t look right. But go ahead and live your life anyway.

I do understand. I was there in Olympic Park about 45 minutes before the bomb went off in 1996. Probably walked within 100 feet of the explosion site, or closer. The park was closed for a day while the police investigated. When it was safe, the authorities reopened the park. My friends and I made sure to go back the first day it opened. No bomber is going to ruin a great event like the Olympics.

Terrorist want people to panic. To destroy the government by ruining your trust. They think we want anarchy.

No we want civilization and people to care for each other. We do not think violence is the answer.

How many anarchists do your family know? None. We don’t pay attention to violent characters. Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi are worth remembering.

Few attacks succeed. Many more attacks have been tried. Hard work by good people, law enforcement, and a little luck as prevented most of them. But many more people die from car accidents. The odds of you being a victim are very small.

So grieve today. Then honor the victims by living the life you want. Change the world by doing good.

Frankly go back to Back Bay. Run in a race. Watch family and friends at events. Live more good days for the rest of your life.

Lyrics from the Beatles Revolution

“We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be all right”

March 17, 2013

Working Generations

My dad retired at 53 to enjoy my mom's last years as her health was not great. Worked at Eastman Kodak and left with the first golden handshake to a good pension with benefits. The extras beyond the pension just ended as the company went bankrupt.

Our generation grew up with lots of competition due to the baby boom, and also is the first to depend on 401Ks instead of pensions, so we may have to work longer. (My 101K will not support me anytime soon)

Everyone (Boomers, Gen X and Millennials) may have major jump in better health and active lifespan due to the stem cell research / bio technology coming to market soon or next decade." What would you do if you knew you would live to 120?" is not a theoretical question these days.

Millennials were raised as the most teamwork focused group you would ever meet. In many ways they remind me of the Silent Generation who saved the world. (Look at the warriors in Iraq and Afghanistan) I suspect they will overcome the slow economy and global competition. They will have many more opportunities in their long careers as the Boomers retire.

Intend to join them for the ride as long as I am productive.

  3:15 am attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans this morning. This tragic attack killed 10 and injured ~35 including 2 police officers. Most...