September 15, 2018

Unrealistic Expectations

“I want that woman’s life. 
            Whose life is that?
The one in my social media.” 
- Between Friends comic

Don’t create perfection expectations on yourself. We all say the wrong thing. Drop food we are cooking. Make investment mistakes. Lose things. Oversleep in the morning. 

A study shows American, Canadian & British college students are suffering from “multidimensional perfectionism”, setting unrealistically high expectations and being hurt when they fall short. Today’s students aren’t the first to fall short.

Didn’t you dream of being a millionaire? Being famous. Getting that promotion. Having your own business? Marrying the perfect spouse? Perfect kids?

Last I checked kids are kids. We get sick now and then. Companies have layoffs. And we fail. More often than I care to admit.

Give yourself credit for making mistakes. It is how we learn. Besides you are excluding all the things you have done right. Think of the people you helped. We are proud of you.

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