November 26, 2020

Happy Pandemic Thanksgiving

 2020 has been an odd year to have gratitude. Bittersweet is a good description. There has been a lot of bad news, Covid-19, industries cratered, layoffs, no vacations, laptop died, and more. If you are worn out by restrictions, you are not alone.

If you lost family, friends or coworkers you miss them. Grieving and thankfulness tough combination. It’s always okay to grieve.

However you have decided to celebrate, enjoy yourself. Take precautions. Call family and friends, talk about old times, make small talk, tell dad jokes, and have good food. Today is not the day to solve world problems. Be present and this is what you will be grateful for in the future.

Also thankful 2021 is coming :) 

Moral Collapse. Don’t We Recognize Evil?

Israel was attacked by Hamas terrorists. ~1,400 deaths, ~3,500 wounded and ~200 taken as hostages. Thousands of rockets were sent as armed a...