July 28, 2018

Wisdom Does Not Always Come with Age

Vouch for that on my many faux pas. The Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences study states “wisdom seems to be rare among any age group.” 

That may be part of ‘Thinking Fast & Slow’ by Daniel Kahneman where he talks how our mind has multiple operating systems. We prefer System 1 which makes snap decisions and uses little energy. System 2 does the deep thinking requiring much more effort. We need to spend more time in system 2.

Yes, learning comes from handling data, adding context, making choices and observing results. Hopefully that builds insight and judgments we can use.

However do not see wisdom without understanding and compassion of people different than us. Other people have different experiences and options than us. Listening and understanding are the beginning of wisdom. Beyond that caring for others is where we develop our wisdom.

My faith requires me to be better than I am. Do that best I can, fail, and try again with the Lord’s help. Don’t be afraid to try caring.

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